In light of the events that took place in California, Texas, and Ohio; I thought that I would share my thoughts on what has transpired and how it has effected me as a #millennial. My hope is that you too can relate and that it gets you thinking as well. This is more of a rant in an effort to create a conversation. There are so many opinions/perspectives being posted or aired that it can be difficult to have your own thoughts without being persuaded by another's. As a Christian, I take everything to prayer. Living in the times that we live in, I can't fathom who I would be if I wasn't. Faith is what gives me #hope and my faith in JESUS is what enables me to have peace in the mist of the storm(s). Nonetheless, issues are coming to the surface; causing a lot of us to think. Shootings have been a problem in America for the past twenty years. It's very interesting and telling that most people do not include gang violence in these statistics; focusing only on school or public shootings. Otherwise, it would reach back even farther than twenty years.
Mass Mayhem
To have two shootings take place within 24 hours of each other (as well as the shooting in Gilroy, CA on July 29) has our country on edge. It has now become our reality that it can happen anywhere at anytime and to anyone! I went to high school with one of the victims in the Dayton mass shooting. We weren't best friends or ate together at lunch. I was a senior when he was a freshman, but we would crack jokes during rehearsal for a play we were both involved in. He was sincere and sweet. At first when I heard about these shootings, I was shocked because it was starting to seem like I was hearing about shooting everyday. Then I heard that someone from my high school was among the victims. Finally, upon doing my own research looking into the reports; I saw his picture and memories from my senior year came back to me. I couldn't hold back the tears. I refrain from mentioning his name because I'm not trying to exploit him. I share all of this because everything started to become personal. I knew him and had a memory to attach to him. Someone that I knew was a victim of hate. I was no longer reading about something that happened to people somewhere I didn't live. I've heard others say the same thing as well. Your heart goes out to the families of the victims and the city, but you sort of feel relieved that it didn't happen to you. But when you realize that you knew one of the victims then things change!
My Millennial Opinion

As a #millennial, I'm starting to think about where I live and where I want to have my family. A lot of people that I know have left behind city life to raise their growing families in more rural communities. These people are fellow #millennials. Like I said before, these shootings show that it can happen anywhere at anytime, but it does get you thinking about where would be the best place to live and raise your family (even if something like these events were to happen in your area). I believe that these shootings have everyone's minds buzzing. We can't live in fear, but we also can't be naive either. When I was a teenager, I was so eager to move to NYC to launch my acting career. After living there for 7 years, I still love the city, but it has got me thinking about where I want to raise my children when the time comes. I think about the possibility of something happening in the city. A lot of people don't have plans or things set aside just in case something happens. That something is a wide range of endless possibilities. Like I said, we can't live in fear, but we should be prepared. I want to enjoy life and for my future children to enjoy their lives as well while remaining proactive and vigilant. This also comes back to the debate of gun control. I personally want to have a gun in my home as protection. Some people may think differently, but I want my family protected. It takes the police at least 15 minutes to get to you upon making your call to 911. A lot can happen within 15 minutes.
What Now?

This has many asking the question how do we regulate gun laws and prevent more mass shootings from occurring? I don't have the answer or solution. People will find a way to continue to inflict violence and hate one way or another. One common consensus is that certain types of guns should not be available to the general public; such as the ones used by the shooters in El Paso and Dayton. These are military weapons used in combat. I've heard one DJ Host mention that he wouldn't use that weapon to hunt with. He further stated that using this gun would rip through his deer meat; ruining it. The thought of this same gun being used against humans is disturbing. Even more disturbing is that these twenty-something year old men were able to gain access to it. Trump blames the mass shootings on mental illness and video games. Others blame these events on Trump himself. One thing is for certain; President Trump's rhetoric is the fuel and foundation for the blatant display of hate that has come to the surface. Hate and racism never disappeared, but Trump's speech is a platform that attracts certain Americans that relate to his way of thinking. The fact that he still hasn't apologized for his words to the American people is unbelievable! News channels have been rebroadcasting his rallies where he has said and supported remarks that endorse racism. He turns a blind eye to the things that he has said in order to focus the blame on something other than himself. He has influence that has inspired thousands of people in this country. All you have to do is read the comments on YouTube to see his faithful followers stand up for him. They make no acknowledgements to the things he has said and instead they attack the very ones that he has spoken against during his run for presidency. One woman put in all caps "HE IS THE BEST PRESIDENT THAT THIS COUNTRY HAS EVER HAD". Another comment on YouTube suggested that #millennials are the problem and reason for the mass shootings in our country!
Trump supporters feel protected because Trump has expressed similar sentiments that they feel strongly about. When it comes to him, I feel neutral. I resent the fact that many televangelists tout that he's "Christian" because he does not hold himself as such and especially as president. A real Christian would never say the things that he has said.

I think the most concerning thing about the most recent mass shootings (and the 250 shootings that have taken place in America in 2019) is that we're all wondering "what now?" Where do we go from here as a country? We're mourning as a nation. We're mourning the deaths of those who had their lives cut short. We want a leader who will take responsibility for his actions. We want restrictions that can FINALLY be implemented into the process of who can and who can't purchase a weapon. We also want some type of system to be in place where people who have exhibited disturbing signs of violence in the past are being regulated (without slipping under the radar for years while they plot an attack).
Final Thoughts
If you've made it this far in the post then I thank you. These are my thoughts and opinions as a Christian millennial Black woman living in America. Sometimes it's hard to discern who's reporting the truth and who's fabricating lies. I want to think for myself; having my own perspective without depending on someone else's report or opinion of what's happening. Things are ramping up and these mass shootings have many feeling numb or more concerned about the reality that we live in. All that we can do individually is be loving, compassionate, and considerate to those we come into contact with. We have to see each other as humans regardless of race. We have to be the change that we desire to see in this country. We all bleed red! JESUS died for all of us. I also believe that we need to have healthy conversations about race with each other. We need to understand and respect other cultures and ethnicities. We can't just say that we are for diversity. We need to put action behind our words. Volunteer, donate, or simply buy someone's coffee at your local cafe. Give your time and show that you are for diversity. Get involved and don't just be about yourself or your family and your friends.

I hope that this has got your wheels turning; causing you to think about how these events effect you and your lifestyle. We're not untouchable; no one is! These mass shootings have changed our country in such a radical way. It's going to take compassionate and selfless people to rise up; demonstrating what it truly means to be American and to be human.
