The Pitch: Why #aesthetic?
Truth be told, I don't know if "Script Development" is a business or not, but I hope that through my commitment and efforts that it will soon become one! I started this blog as a way to market myself as an actress and screenwriter among my other talents. Being a freelance screenwriter without representation isn't easy, but with the convenience of social media to help one network with like-minded professional individuals; anything is possible.
"Aesthetic" basically means the beauty of a thing. My #aesthetic as a screenwriter is to bring my imagination and professionalism to the table contributing it to your creativity; producing a completed screenplay that we are both satisfied with. Each script is like a unique individual. Not one of us are the same yet we can relate to each other. Our DNA can not be compared to each other because we are our own individual. Scripts consists of the basic format for writing, but each story is different; sharing its own #aesthetic with the world.
A lot of people have great ideas, but struggle with the basics of structuring dialogue. This is where AESTHETIC comes in! I pride myself in cultivating the right words that highlight the essence of your idea(s) for the characters that you have in mind concerning your story. Real, innovative, honest, and raw are just a few words to describe how I go about constructing dialogue for a screenplay.
In the past, I developed a pilot, I have provided my expertise as a consultant, and I have 7 completed scripts under my belt (one of which is a script that I have adapted based off an emerging writer's debut novel).
If you feel that you can relate to me and want to know more about my work for your consideration then click on the "Script Development: Terms of Agreement" tab for more information.
I look forward to hearing from you about your upcoming project and how AESTHETIC can be at your service.
Mariah Franklin
AESTHETIC is an online Script Development service that assists in transforming your notes, outlines, and scenes into a completed script.
Founder, Mariah Franklin, has 10 years of experience in the Performing Arts and Entertainment Industry and has been writing for just as long. She received her certification from The American Musical & Dramatic Academy of New York in Acting for Stage, Film, and TV.

Script Development