Matthew 17:14-20, KJV
By Faith: the walls of Jericho came down
By Faith: the Red Sea was parted
By Faith: the sick are healed
By Faith: difficult situations are turned around overnight
The power of Faith is remarkable! Some unbelieving skeptics call it “the placebo effect”. When you experience it for yourself, then you know that it is no other than GOD being in agreement with you and moving on your behalf. There’s nothing like witnessing your literal prayer(s) being answered! It’s amazing to think that Faith “as a grain of mustard seed” has the potent power to move something as gigantic as a literal mountain. Some theologians suggest that JESUS didn’t mean an actual mountain, but rather that the mountain symbolizes a difficult situation in one’s life. I beg to differ! I think The LORD meant what He said to paint the literal picture of Faith. If you press in to GOD with “Fervent Faith”, believing that He is able and has the power to do what it is you believe He can do (and #dontstopbelieving), then you will witness nothing but miracles throughout your life.
Time is the truest test of Faith. But I believe that GOD is worth the wait. I’m excited to see my Father do amazing things on my behalf simply because I believe that He loves me (and that He wants to show me that He is my Source, my Lifeline, my Strength, my Provider, my Keeper, my All-in-All, and my Refuge)! Sometimes, GOD will test us to see the validity of our Faith. People talk a good talk, but you will know if someone is a true Christian by their fruit (their lifestyle, behavior, actions, etc. Matthew 7:15-16, NKJV). The greater your Faith the greater the cost you will have to pay to carry your cross! Faith demands action. If you’re believing GOD to order your steps to your future spouse then you’re not going to sleep around trying to find him or her on your own. You’re going to wait on GOD and pray for that person; asking GOD to keep them and to train them in His Word (so that they will be more like Him)! That’s just an example. Faith without deeds is dead.
James 2:14-26, NKJV
You can’t say you trust GOD with your mouth and do the opposite with your actions. To have “Fervent Faith” is to trust JESUS with “child-like Faith”; taking His words and promises to you to heart. Hang on His every word and don’t look back.
I will be honest with you, it’s not easy holding on and pressing in. It’s actually a huge discipline and it breaks you down only so GOD can use it to build you back up to be like His Son JESUS! JESUS’ Spirit, HOLY SPIRIT, is with you every step of the way; giving you the encouragement and the signs that you need to not loose hope!
Finally, to have “Fervent Faith”, is to dig your heels in regardless of what the world around you says about your situation! Family, friends, co-workers, colleagues, neighbors, strangers, influencers, social media, news networks, the economy, world leaders, you name it: they all have to take a back seat to your Faith! You can’t let their voices dictate what you are trusting GOD to do for you! GOD has the final say.
I love that GOD doesn’t let you wander in to oblivion! He will direct your path and keep you in His Will when you genuinely seek to be there. You will automatically apply your Faith properly because you are believing based upon what His Spirit has revealed to you.
Draw the line in the sand and don’t doubt any longer!
-Dig your heels in
-Press in to GOD’S Presence
-Remember what He has promised you
-Don’t let the opinions of others persuade your level of Faith
-And simply BELIEVE
With “Fervent Faith”, you will witness mountains move and you will surely know that GOD DID IT!