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for the faithful

Writer's picture: Mariah FranklinMariah Franklin

Today's Post is diverting from the path of DIYS and travel tips to speak directly to your spirit. With all of the chaos and drama that gets put in our faces constantly, we need some encouragement to keep the Faith and keep going.

I have been a Christian for six years and as I study GOD'S Word daily I am constantly strengthened by His Promises and the examples of His Presence active within the lives of those who take refuge in Him. Lately, I have been reading Nehemiah's account about what GOD had put in his heart to do (Nehemiah 2:12, KJV) in rebuilding the ruins that were left in Judah from when the Israelites were taken into captivity. He was led by GOD to lead a grand endeavor in gathering his people to not only rebuild the walls, but in doing so (as outlines) they were also "reestablishing themselves again as a nation(...)". Nehemiah and those that worked with him were faced with opposition and threats, but they pressed into the Presence of GOD and continued to do what they knew was right, what they believed GOD wanted them to do. It would've been so easy for them to back out when the pressure was hot and heavy, but instead Nehemiah prayed (Nehemiah 4:4-5,9) and they continued to labor nonetheless. It reminds me of 1 Kings 13 where a "man of GOD" was commissioned by GOD to give a prophecy and after delivering the prophecy he was to return in a different way from that which he came and not to eat nor drink in the place where he delivered the prophecy, but he didn't obey the Voice of GOD and believed the lie of another "prophet" thus resulting in the "man of GOD'S" death. This "man of GOD" put another man's word above The Most High's and he died. If only he obeyed GOD! He was guaranteed life because he would've returned home safely under the protection of GOD for obeying Him.

GOD'S Promises, His Voice, and His Word give life. JESUS is the Word of GOD made flesh as written in John 1 and He Himself says that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6)! I say all of this because it's crucial to stick with GOD and to wait on Him no matter what! And I'm preaching likewise to myself because I have experienced difficulties where people have pressured me to the point that I almost disregarded what I knew GOD was telling me to do. Sometimes you may have to stand alone, but you're never really alone because JESUS will never leave you nor forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6,8 /Hebrews 13:5).

I don't know what you're facing, what you're going through, who's on your back giving you Hell, or what GOD has even laid upon your heart to do, but I can say this with confidence: GOD is Faithful and He can't fail. He moves in ways we can't fathom, nothing is impossible for Him, and if you don't know Him for yourself then I encourage you to humble yourself before Him and seek His face through prayer. Call on the Name of His Precious Son, JESUS, who laid down His life for you; so in believing in Him you won't have to suffer an eternity in Hell. He loves you that much and it doesn't matter what you have done, just confess with your mouth and repent of all of your sins; call on JESUS' Name and He will save you (Romans 10:9). JESUS will save you, heal you, deliver you, restore you, and make you whole; not overnight, but it's a journey and during that process you fall in love with Him. He loves you SO much more than your parents, best friends, children, spouse, and so on!

(HOLY SPIRIT just hijacked my Post!)

But it's all connected regardless. My hope in writing this Post is that you will keep going and that you won't give up even though it's hard. I have broken down plenty of times in discouragement because it just seemed easier to do what everyone else was doing, at least I'd blend in and keep the peace. But if obeying GOD means raising Hell then so be it! Because in the end, you will be rewarded for doing so, like how GOD warned Jeremiah when He commissioned him: do what He tells you and He will protect you, but if you go you're own way and ignore Him then you will have to answer to Him, thus reaping what you sow (Jeremiah 1:17). It goes back to what I highlighted earlier that there is life in obeying GOD. What He has revealed to you and placed upon your heart is life, not death. You aren't facing difficulties because GOD wants to hurt you or destroy you, but He allows it to make you stronger. JESUS Himself endured the Cross for the joy set before Him and He entered into Glory sitting at the right hand of GOD (Hebrews 12:2).

As I conclude, I want to refocus our attention back on Nehemiah. GOD showed up on his behalf and put his enemies to shame because he continued to do what GOD told him to (Nehemiah 6:16). GOD will take care of the haters and naysayers on your behalf, just keep your focus on Him and do what He has directed you to do. If you don't know what to do, ask Him and He will freely reveal to you His Will for your life and particularly what He wants you to do in this now moment. Ask for strategy and wisdom (James 1) and ask for JESUS' HOLY SPIRIT to guide you in Spirit and in Truth in ALL that you do.

You are safe and secure in the Will of GOD.

I hope this blessed you and if so, subscribe to my blog to receive updates. Also "like" and share this Post to encourage a friend or loved one that could use the inspiration to "keep the faith" and keep pressing on!

Sincerely and GOD Bless,

Mariah Franklin



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