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Keep Going: Getting Up When You've Fallen Short.

Writer's picture: Mariah FranklinMariah Franklin

No one is perfect. No one gets it right every single time. No matter how hard we may try, we will never succeed in "having it all together" all of the time. And it doesn't help with the rapid growth of social media platforms; new ones sprouting up constantly and everyone being obsessed with gaining more likes, more shares, more comments, etc! As a society, we dare not expose our darkest days or true emotions, but rather we prefer to paint the illusion that all is well all of the time and nothing ever goes wrong in our world. And those who "share" bleak/depressing messages, pictures, posts only want to see how many people will respond (who actually cares). But, my focus is mainly on the reality of when we do fall short (as a "Believer in CHRIST JESUS). There have been times, personally, when I felt so horrible for what I've done (i.e. "sinning") that I just couldn't fathom how GOD could forgive me. Some "Christians" hold the perspective of "Super-Grace" or "Once Saved Always Saved" assuming that when you first give your life to JESUS all of your sins are forgiven and you never have to repent ever again in your life. Repentance is the result of conviction. You can not be a born-again, blood bought, believer, filled with HOLY SPIRIT, and NEVER FEEL CONVICTED. Like I stated earlier, we all mess up at times. Christians are not "sinners" anymore, but you will continue to sin. That is why JESUS gave us the gift of His Spirit so that HOLY SPIRIT will guide us and help us so that we won't constantly sin. If we walk by the Spirit then we will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh (Galatians 5:16). But, we have to be honest with ourselves: we can be in our flesh at times. HOLY SPIRIT never leads a person to give another driver the finger when they have cut them off or didn't use their turn signal. HOLY SPIRIT doesn't prompt us to talk negatively about people behind their backs then smile in their faces when they enter the room. It's not a move of HOLY SPIRIT when you talk about another racial group in private, but then you act like you're not prejudice in public (Galatians 3:28).

So, what do we do when we find ourselves in these situations or ones similar? Many people who don't know much about GOD, JESUS, HOLY SPIRIT (Christianity in general), think that you have to become "perfect" before you can be saved. The truth is that you have to "believe" in order to be saved. Humble yourself before GOD when you seek Him in prayer; confessing with your mouth audibly that you "believe" JESUS is Lord and that He is GOD'S Son (Jeremiah 33:3, Romans 10:9). That's the first step, the beginning. JESUS loves everyone so much that He meets us where we're at and upon being saved He takes us higher. JESUS doesn't stay with you where you're at; instead He purifies you, transforms you through you reading His Word (The Bible), and being filled with His HOLY SPIRIT (Who will help you by leading you in Spirit and in Truth). GOD is patient with us, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love (Numbers 14:18, Psalm 86:15); so when we fall short at times and mess up, He is ready to forgive us. There are many belief systems and religions that put pressure and burdens upon people to do various tactics just for GOD to forgive them. NOT SO WITH JESUS! All you have to do is earnestly and sincerely repent (turn away from, change your mind, apologize) for the wrong that you did and KEEP GOING! There are some who want to or even have thrown in the towel and walked away from the Faith because they assumed that they could never get it right, change, or it was too hard. That is the tactic of Satan to deceive people causing them to walk away from GOD. People don't forgive so easily, but when you truly mean it, GOD does! He desires to be in intimate relationship with us. He wants us to know Him as deeply as He knows us. Parents understand this best because when your child does the wrong thing, you don't hate them, but you hate the action (what they did). It is the same for GOD. He doesn't hate us, but He hates sin and He will forgive anyone who calls on Him in the Name of His Son and repents. Anyone. No exceptions. No exclusions. GOD is not a respecter of persons (Acts 10:34, Romans 2:11). As a parent, you deal with your child pertaining to what he or she has done wrong then you move on. GOD does the same with "His children" (Galatians 3:26, John 1:12, Romans 8:16).

When I was a "child" I used to dance ballet, tap, jazz, and drill team. I danced with a Christian dance company and for one of my many recitals I did a jazz routine to Donnie McClurkin's "We Fall Down". At the time, I wasn't paying attention and barely had a clue to what He was singing (I grew up in the Church environment, but I was not a "True Christian" until I was 19). The most powerful part of the song is when Donnie and his background vocalists paraphrase Proverbs 24:16: "For a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again(...)". The main part of the verse and the song is for you to RISE, GET UP AGAIN. Don't remain in your sin or be unrepentant, but repent, pray, then move on. If you remain unrepentant then GOD can't forgive you, but He is ready to. You have to humble yourself and repent thus clearing your record of the transgression. You don't have to do a good deed, light a candle, pray 100 prayers, or give money to a charity. And "Hebrew Roots" doesn't cut it either. No one could keep the Law except JESUS and He gave His body as a living sacrifice becoming a curse for us so we could be restored to having a relationship with GOD in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:24, Galatians 3:13, John 10:17). You have to bow your knee before GOD and ask for forgiveness then pray for JESUS' HOLY SPIRIT to lead you and keep you form doing that transgression (sin, mistake) again. The reality of being a Christian is that we are becoming more and more like CHRIST JESUS every single day as we are led by HOLY SPIRIT in prayer, reading our Bibles, fellowship with other Believers, praising our GOD with songs from our hearts, and remembering the widower, the fatherless, as well as the poor (James 1:27). There are those who say they are Christians with their mouths, but are far from GOD in their hearts. They haven't grown since they became a Christian and are still drinking milk when they should be chomping on meat (1 Corinthians 3:1-2, Hebrews 5:12). It's like you're still in 5th grade when you should be graduating from high school and moving forward to pursue your degree! People want GOD to do for them, but they don't want to pursue GOD and do what He wants them to do(Luke 12:48, Deuteronomy 29:29). JESUS becoming your "Lord" means you have died to your sins, your will, and you live by His will (His ways); loving GOD "SO MUCH" that you are willing to do anything and everything because you trust Him (Your Father, "Abba")!

If you don't want to do for GOD then you are not a Christian and you don't love Him.

My hope in sharing this post is that you will be encouraged and challenged. Don't ever doubt GOD's love for you and never fail to take stock of your relationship with Him. You don't want to stand before Him and He says "depart from me, for I knew you not!"(Matthew 7:21-23).

Stay faithful and stay in His Beautiful Presence. GOD is Faithful and He has so many great things in store for His children who wait upon Him (Psalm 37:4-5,34, Jeremiah 29:11). Even when we fall, stumble, trip, get off track, veer off course; HOLY SPIRIT turns us around and gets us right again so we can simply move on (move forward) in the "perfect Will of GOD" for our lives.

I recommend taking a listen to this encouraging Praise song by Tye Tribbett:

"Worship Medley". What I like about this song is the verse "I might slip up and fall sometimes, but I love ya!"

GOD Bless and Sante.




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