I have learned (thus far in my life) that love is not just based upon what you feel. Love is a choice. You have to choose whether or not you will love someone; not just in romantic relationships. Discernment is required in every situation. You can be compassionate and understanding or passive and hateful. Sometimes, unfortunately, love must be stern. You can't give in to the actions of another who is being abusive towards you. As Christians, we are in a fight. Spiritual Warfare is real. There are times when we will come face to face with evil that is embodied through another person or people. This will require us to not be "welcome mats"; letting such people walk all over us. We have to utilize the power of JESUS' Name and the power of HOLY SPIRIT to help us stand. I have heard of believers being pious and meek during persecution and I don't believe this is what JESUS desires of us...all of the time. JESUS was the lamb that was slain, but He is also the lion of Judah. That means (by His example) we are to be humble and gentle at times; while also knowing when to be bold as a lion at other times.

I have had encounters with people in witchcraft and the occult attempting to attack me and those weren't moments where I could smile and say "JESUS loves you". I had to stand by Faith and fight. I ultimately prayed for them after the fact. I share all of this to show you the necessity of knowing how to love. Love is a weapon and love is a choice. It's easy to cuss out someone who cusses at you first. It takes a bigger person to make the decision to alleviate a situation with peace. 1 Corinthians 13 teaches how love truly operates. There are times where I have read this passage of scripture and I have felt such conviction. I thought I knew what love was and then I compared my actions to what GOD'S Word was saying; realizing that I was missing the mark. Love is pure without resentment; giving forgiveness regardless of whether or not it is asked of. I hope that this gets you thinking about how you perceived "LOVE"; enabling you to grow in the reality of what it truly is. Choose to love others as CHRIST JESUS loves us. Sometimes JESUS disciplines us; being stern like a loving Father towards His son. Sometimes He is gentle and tender; revealing His mercy and Grace. Both of these examples are LOVE. GOD is LOVE.
