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Power of Words

Writer's picture: Mariah FranklinMariah Franklin

Kind words are like honey- sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. -Proverbs 16:24

Words have the power to influence everyone! What you say can encourage someone (building them up) or discourage someone (tearing them down). As a Christian, words that are chosen are to reflect JESUS. It’s very convicting to take stock of what you say and do then to consider: would JESUS do the same thing? In the heat of the moment, it’s easy to just say whatever comes to you out of anger and/or rage. Yet, regret always follows those moments soon after. Even though the saying is cliché, it’s still true: think before you speak. To take a pause to consider the next sentence that will be uttered from your mouth has the potential to either make or break a relationship. Sometimes you may offend someone unintentionally. We can’t please everyone all of time and what may seem harmless or funny to you could actually be crude and/or offensive to someone else. Usually that person will make it known the moment it happens enabling you to clear the air.

All-in-all, this is a gentle reminder that our words are effective. When you look at horrific crimes, criminals, and anything else that relates, you will notice that it always comes down to the parents. It becomes evident that abusive parents are at the root of the situation and that they caused the problematic cycle that ultimately led to something heinous happening. Wrong words can develop into a cycle. It’s like a domino-effect, as abusive words just get passed from person to person. You never known when something that is said may trigger someone. But, when you take the time to speak life into someone, your words could be the simple act that they needed to give them clarity. There are numerous accounts of people speaking to others; giving them encouragement and unbeknownst to them that same person they spoke to was considering suicide.

You have know idea the potential of a kind word.

There have been times when I felt led by HOLY SPIRIT to say something to a total stranger. The person is a stranger to me, but GOD knows everything about everyone. All things lay bare before Him (Hebrews 4:13). I had no idea how they would receive my words. Surprisingly, with each encounter, they were grateful that I shared those words with them as they were actually in a difficult situation. Those words were what they needed to hear to give them strength and hope to move forward. This is why I don’t make cussing a habit.

As a Christian, we’re not called to speak such harsh language. We’re to live in peace with everyone. To me, cussing which is cursing, is the same as speaking a curse against someone. When you cuss someone out, you’re not wishing them well. You’re attacking them and usually it is because they have attacked you first. You want revenge and justice for the wrong that was done to you.

Telling lies about others is as harmful as hitting them with an ax wounding them with a sword, or shooting them with a sharp arrow. -Proverbs 25:18(NLT)

Yet, consider JESUS. Everyone cussed at Him while He hung on the cross. They mocked Him and beat Him. He tolerated it and prayed for their forgiveness before He died on the cross(Luke 23:34). The same goes for the first martyr, Stephen. He was stoned to death and with his final breath he prayed for their forgiveness (Acts 7:58-60).

It all comes down to a choice. Everything is a choice. Will you choose to empower someone; contributing to the success of their future? Or will you play a detrimental role in someone’s life; encouraging the cycle of abuse?

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. -Proverbs 18:21




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