Having a relationship with JESUS enables you to be sensitive to His HOLY SPIRIT. So much so that your eyes are opened to see the signs that He has led you to. Signs are markers that reveal to us that we're going in either the right or wrong direction. In my personal relationship with The LORD, He uses signs to reveal to me that I'm going in the right direction. These same signs also give me clarity and confirmation on what He has put on my heart. Signs can be blunt, bold, in your face or they can be subtle and simple. The other day, I went into a local grocery store to pick up some items while my mom waited for me in the car. It was a rainy day and I had some things on my mind. I was going through the motions and asking GOD questions in my heart. While I was walking past isles on my way to get a product that I needed, I happened to turn my head to the right, and noticed a book on sale with the title:
"GOD Will Carry You"
That same night, I was in distress and upset. I went to check my email and I had gotten a message from a ministry that I have subscribed to. The message was all about how GOD is leading those who believe in Him to the manifestation of the promises that He has made to them.
Whenever I'm questioning/wondering, GOD, shows up with a sign of confirmation to comfort me and give me peace. He does this for everyone who puts their trust in Him. When we choose to humble ourselves before Him then He will respond (Jeremiah 33:3, KJV); not when we approach Him with animosity and pride (Matthew 16:4, KJV). To some, signs may seem trivial, childish, and trite. My perspective is if you are so rational and methodical in your understanding of things, then you will miss out on a truly authentic moment that is rare and special. Everything can't be neatly explained or understood. Scientists understand this perspective as hypotheses are always being put to the test and new discoveries are made on a daily basis that are past human comprehension! Christians are to walk with "child-like" Faith; trusting their faithful Father that He has only good plans prepared for them (Hebrews 11:6, Jeremiah 29:11, KJV).
If you need clarity, if you need confirmation for something that is on your heart, then I admonish you to humble yourself before GOD in prayer. Ask Him to open your eyes to see what He wants you to see and to open your ears to hear what He wants you to hear. (2 Kings 6:17, KJV) Trust Him and believe that He will confirm things for you. When we ask of GOD His Will for our lives, then He is faithful to share His purposes for us! He won't leave us in the dark.
"And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." -Luke 11:9
Lastly, when you get your sign from The LORD, it is up to you to remember it. That is the sheer beauty of a true sign from GOD; that when you feel discouraged you remember the sign(s) He gave you. This strengthens your heart as you continue to wait on Him while He works everything out for your good. GOD has given me signs years ago that I can still recall. These signs are evidence proving that I can hear GOD accurately and that His plans for me are real. It has all been worth the wait!
Dreams are signs from GOD too! To help you "decode your dreams", check out this #aestheticpost: