When things get hectic, it seems like we can't see anything beyond the present moment. It's as if we are blinded by the fog that clouds our perspective. Life can get so overwhelming that we become hindered in seeing the possibility of what will happen next. In every moment, The LORD is with us who believe that He is Who He says He is (Hebrews 11:6). I'm always amazed when I feel so anxious or overwhelmed by a situation, of how GOD pours out His peace; calming the storm that was surrounding me (Mark 4:35-40).
These moments of uncertainty have taught me that that is just what they are: a moment. Moments come and go. In acting, we call these Beat Changes. Some type of significant action occurs that creates the Beat Change. Thus, the prior moment is over and a new moment has begun. Life gets overwhelming, but life also has to continue forward. You never stay stuck for long. This too shall pass! In those moments when you don't know how to feel, what to think, or what to do; wait on The LORD.
Trust in Him to guide you and to see you through the moment. He will clear the fog that lingers in front of you. Take all of your concerns to Him in prayer and witness how HOLY SPIRIT guides you in the right direction. You will be amazed of how GOD has always been by your side and how He works everything out on your behalf. Sometimes it's suddenly and other times it's a gradual progression, but waiting on GOD is ALWAYS worth it!
PSALM 27:14
Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.
