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Those Who Assume...

Writer's picture: Mariah FranklinMariah Franklin

For whom the LORD loves He chastens, And scourges every son whom He receives Hebrews 12:6-11, KJV

Right now, I'm reading through the book of Job, because I wanted to revisit his experience. When I first read it, I simply read it. I didn't comprehend the King James Version at the time when I was a teen. I wanted to read the entire Bible and I did, but I didn't understand what I was reading. My walk (relationship) with JESUS then was nowhere where it is today! I would hear people talk about "Job's friends" and how they were the worst, but I didn't know it for myself until I began to read his account again. The thing is that their advice wasn't wrong in theory, but it was out of context. They had no idea how GOD was using Job and thus they wrongly judged him. They're no different though from people today (especially Christians). Believers in America tend to presume that if you have everything and a bag of chips then you are blessed and in right standing with GOD. If you're going through trials and try to share your heart then you get side-eyed like you are the one doing something wrong or you're relationship with GOD is off. GOD allows us to go through difficult situations for the sole purpose of breaking us He can build us back up into the person that we need to be (like JESUS)!

When you come out on the other side, you realize that you have a strength that you never knew was there inside of you. I can say this because this is part of my testimony. I have endured a lot and GOD has brought me out to the other side when I blatantly told Him that I can't take it anymore. Yet, I'm still standing. It's all because of my Faith. GOD has given me a reason to believe. He has given us all a reason to believe. The first sign of that is JESUS and then He gives us more signs along the way to confirm that we're going in the right direction. Like Job, people (close to me), have assumed the worst about me and counted me out. My life to them looks like it's off track and that I don't have a clue as to what I'm doing. I know exactly what GOD is doing with my life and I'm waiting on His perfect timing (Psalm 27:14, KJV). He turns your mess into a message. None of us can assume that what we see is what we get. People and situations surprise us all the time. How can we have the audacity to assume that if someone is in an uncomfortable situation then they aren't blessed by GOD when Christians in other nations are being slaughtered because they refuse to deny JESUS.

Would you give up everything you have (family, job, finances, clothes, possessions, and all the comforts of life) for JESUS? Or would you deny Him to save yourself out of fear like Peter (Mark 14:66-72, KJV)?

If you call yourself a Christian, then you need to ask yourself this question. Keep it real. You're saved by Faith, but Faith demands proof and not just lip service (James 2:14-26, KJV).

It's like someone telling you they love you, but they never demonstrate their love; they just say it all the time. GOD demonstrated His love for everyone through JESUS (John 3:16, KJV).

How do you demonstrate your love for Him (John 14:15, KJV)?

This brings me back to Job, because he did everything right. There was no one in the land like him (Job 1:1-3, KJV). Yet, GOD allowed him to be tested, only to prove to satan that he is indeed a righteous man (who wouldn't dare curse GOD regardless of what happened to him). Job's friends couldn't discern that GOD'S hand was actually upon their "friend" and that he was being tested because GOD loved him. Maybe there are people who are treating you the same way. What I've learned from my own personal experience (and that is true for Job as well) is that those who judge you are being tested themselves; little do they know! When JESUS sets a table before you in the presence of your enemies, you'll be feasting while they'll be starving (Psalm 23:5, KJV). It may look unfair now, but it's worth the wait, so wait for it! GOD is turning tables and setting things straight. He does that for those who love Him and that He calls His own.

Keep your eyes on JESUS when people point the finger at you and assume. Like Job, PRAY for those who persecute you because this is where you're blessing is (Job 42:10, KJV). When you put your trust in GOD (and ignore the lies) then He sees your Faith and moves on your behalf.

Without Faith, it's impossible to please Him (Hebrews 11:6, KJV)!

You're going to be the one who has the last laugh because the joke is really on them!




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