Some people love surprises and some don't. I feel sort of neutral when it comes to the subject. The purpose of a surprise is that it catches you off guard in a good way! You weren't expecting it; a pleasant consolation. Sometimes the people giving the surprise think that the receiver will enjoy it, but truth be told, the receiver feels that they would've been better of with out. I'm sure we all have a few stories that we can remember of being surprised either good or sour; whether it be a visit or tangible wrapped gift.
I say all of this because GOD has surprises in store for those who believe in Him and have a true relationship with Him. Sometimes life can feel stale, like things may never change, at least, not as drastically as we would like. But this is where hopes come in. Faith gives us the strength to hold on from day to day. Life is spontaneous and unexpected. This tickles me when I connect it to the verse in Scripture where JESUS reveals that He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life (John 14:6)! I believe that this is HOLY SPIRIT'S way of saying that JESUS moves in spontaneous and unexpected ways in all of our lives. From surrendering our lives to Him (and how that came about) to meeting other believers (at times that seemed random on the surface, but were indeed actual strategic meetings aligned by His hand). In Matthew 25:1-13, JESUS shares the parable of the 10 virgins: 5 wise and 5 foolish. If you're trying to focus this year on reading more scripture, then I suggest taking a look at this passage. Pray to see how HOLY SPIRIT speaks to you through it; concerning your life right now and in its present condition. Overall, JESUS was painting the picture for His disciples to not slack in their waiting. He was encouraging them to always be prepared and ready for when He would show up. I believe that this is literal; meaning when JESUS actually returns to Earth in His Second Coming and when He shows up in our lives in an unexpected way at an unexpected time.
JESUS is wanting all of us who believe in Him to trust that He can do anything at any given moment (if we continue to walk by Faith and not by sight). We don't know what tomorrow holds and that is why He asks us to just focus on today. He holds tomorrow in His hands (Matthew 6:34). Let your Faith arise in 2019! I feel that JESUS has plans for us that we can't fathom (Ephesians 3:20). If we will hold on and wait for Him to move on our behalf then we will witness amazing things that gives GOD all of the glory; only He could do it for us. This is why we go through struggles sometimes, so GOD can show up to reveal that nothing is impossible for Him. Your location, race, background, and financial situation don't dictate whether or not GOD will show up for you; only your level of Faith does.
But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. -1 Corinthians 2:9-10