Today, I want to #chitchat about the past week (my grandmother passing) and how that has affected my #blogging; enabling me to share my thoughts and advice that you can implement into your #aesthetic. Last Thursday, my family and I laid my grandmother, Jennie Marie Edmonson, to rest in Uniontown, PA (45 minutes away from Pittsburgh). She was struggling with Congestive Heart Failure. While I was blogging and posting, I was helping my mom with my grandmother. We would visit her weekly while she was receiving physical therapy at a nursing home. Due to an accident that she had last May, my grandmother, stopped walking outside alone; causing fluid to build up within her legs. This prevented her from being able to walk properly on her own (thus her stay at the nursing home). I share all of this because when situations like these occur; it can become difficult to balance family and your hustle. I was hoping to have new posts out last week, but underestimated the timing. Everything happened so fast and #blogging had to go on the back burner for a minute.
My mom and I had hoped that we would have more time with my grandmother. We couldn't have fathomed that after spending five days in the hospital she would pass away. We thought that she would return to the nursing home and that would be that for the time being. Even though we both know that she is in Heaven with our LORD; it's still a process to adjust to her absence. It will be three weeks on this upcoming Thursday since she has past away. Everything is still fresh and raw. Even as I write this post, I'm having difficulty with focusing. It's not just the passing of my beloved grandmother, but I still have things in my life that seem to be hanging in the balance. For the past few weeks, I have felt as if I'm at a stand still; holding my breath and praying for reprieve. Thus, my desire to share with you a couple of tips that will help you when you're going through a similar situation. These easy-to-do suggestions will enable you to stay engaged with your audience while being present with you're family without having to choose.
You have seen this often on AESTHETIC: The Art of Me and that is reposting. I like to rehsare past posts; giving new followers and veteran readers the opportunity to see what AESTHETIC is all about. This helps me to feel productive with my blog and to stay engaged with my community as I repackage a #throwback post with a fresh perspective. Create a new graphic for the reshare that will captivate your followers; causing them to take the time to revisit the post once more. I also like to mention when I originally published the post; adding a sentence on what the entire post is all about in order to pique your audience's interest!
Depending upon the situation (and your comfort level), you can share your experience as a post. This can be cathartic; enabling you to release your feelings in a positive manner. Sharing your experience is also a simple yet major way that you can bring healing to another person's life. You'd be amazed to know how sharing your story can affect another's perspective. You may have the words that someone needs to hear or read in their time of need. No one is exempt to death, but we all grieve differently. Sharing your experience and how it has affected you gives you the opportunity to relate with your audience on a personal level and provides a sense of support as well as community. You don't have to overshare; hashing out every single detail. Only share what you're comfortable to share. It can be as brief or as lengthy as you desire. This is a great way for you to stay engaged with your following while also giving you the ability to process the situation and heal from it.
