I’ve experimented with #wigs, #hairpieces, and #extensions practically my entire life; since I’ve started dancing at the age of 8. For the past two and half years, I took a break to grow my #locs. The last time I wore a #wig was when I started my #locjourney. I wasn’t quite ready to wear my #naturalhair out. It was a completely new experience for me and I needed time to literally #grow into my new look.

Recently, I decided to purchase a couple of wigs to try something new. My #naturalhair is low maintenance, but a lady and a true #fashionista should always have #options!
I purchased both of my new #wigs from #Amazon. These #wigs are considered cheap because the price for both of them are affordable. Yet, the quality is unbelievable considering the low cost.

It’s interesting, now that I have a head full of #locs under my #wigs, I don’t care what others think when I’m out in public. You tend to get the usual glare or stare from someone like they have you figured out. That doesn’t concern me as much as it used to. Before, I was using synthetic hair as my daily hairstyle to mask the chaos of my #naturalhair underneath.
Besides, it’s still “my hair” because I bought it and own it! And the same goes for you, too! Haters will hate regardless so might as well ignore them.

I enjoy wearing the curly unit because it looks and feels soooo #natural. It did take me a while to style it to my liking. You really have to take your time to fluff out the tight curls. But it’s worth the time you take to do so! I started to forget that it was a #wig. My own mom thought I took my #locs out when I showed her the finished look! Curly units get better with time like fine wine. The bigger it gets the more #natural it looks! I can easily shove my #locs under this unit and not worry about if my head looks big because the curls conceal everything flawlessly.

Now, this wavy look...gives me life #child! I feel like Zoe Saldana, Faith from “Soul Food”, Chili from TLC, and Kim Kardashian all in one with this #wig. I’ve always wanted to have a long #wig with bangs; especially for the #fallseason.
I imagine wearing this when autumn comes; pairing it with a turtle neck, mom jeans, and suede knee-high boots! I really like that it fits perfectly over my head. For both #wigs that I’ve purchased; I removed the combs that were sewed in the construction of the cap. The clips will snatch your hairline #child! But both units fit over my #locs #justright!

Now...you must be wondering: How did you get them over your #locs?

I’m glad you asked because this is the most important part of the post!
Right now, I’m slicking my #locs back and placing a #wigcap over my hair. Then I wrap the bottom of my #locs over top of each other as I tuck them into the bottom of the #wigcap. Truly, it looks like I’m about to put my hair in pigtails, but instead I take the one side of my hair and lay it over the other part so they overlap. Then I tuck them into the #wigcap. I have 30 month old #locs i.e. 2 years and 6 months. Moving forward, I want to get #myhair #braided into #cornrows so that it will lay flatter when I wear a #wavywig. I’m not too interested in wearing straight hair. I feel like the waves look more natural and effortless!
Before I wear #mywigs, I spray conditioner into my hair and scalp so I don’t have to do the notorious pat on my head. This minimizes the itching from a dry scalp.

I’m growing my #wigcollection and these #wigs are just the start! I wish I didn’t rush to throw my other #wigs away, but I was so excited about my #naturalhairjourney that I got a little gun-ho! Nevertheless, I will be #sharing on my #blog and #socialmedia platforms new #wigs that I get to #inspire your #style and to #elevate your #aesthetic!
