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Being Millennial

Writer's picture: Mariah FranklinMariah Franklin

Updated: Sep 12, 2019

We’re the new “American Dream”

AESTHETIC: The Art of Me is a lifestyle blog for #millennials. This is a place where topics concerning a #millennial lifestyle are examined, discussed, and highlighted. Being a #millennial myself, I wanted to target my generation; sharing what I know and discover since this is the demographic I can relate to. But, what does it really mean to be categorized with this title? How does society perceive our generation? Where do we stand when it comes to our overall contribution to our American economy? These questions will be answered and then some as I will also share some insight from my personal life on what it’s like “BEING MILLENNIAL”. So let’s get into it!



Depending upon what article you read and who the author is; people overall speculate what the actual years are that determine if one can be considered a #millennial. I have come across some saying it’s from the late 70s-the early 90s, 1981-1991, 1985-1999, the 80s-2000, etc. I personally categorize it as someone who is in their 20s-30s. I suppose it all comes down to the individual first and foremost. As a “woman of color”, I like to be identified as Black and not African American. I have come across a lot of people who associate the latter term with an African person who has become an American Citizen. I’m American born with a melting-pot heritage that is predominantly of African origin; raised in American Black culture. I say all of this as an example to show that it comes down to personal preference! has published an article on this very subject about our generation highlighting that “this is the first generation to have grown up entirely with computers. Even many born in those disputed years of 1977 to 1981 had their first interactions with computers in elementary school. Technology has played a great role in their lives and it progressed quickly as they grew up. For this reason, Millennials are at the forefront of all things tech.”



There are various stereotypes that surround #millennials such as:

-Millennials Don’t Value Education  -Millennials Are Lazy -Millennials Had Bad Parenting  -Millennials Only Care About Selfies & Are Obsessed With Social Media -All Millennials Live With Parents

These are just to name a few! reveals in an article from 2017 that #millennials are actually taking care of business and in ways that their predecessors only dreamed of. Being raised in the midst of a technology boom, #millennials, have a fringe mindset that exposes an entrepreneurial spirit and drive. We want to enjoy the work that we do, obtain financial security, and have an overall impact. Our methods can take us off the beaten path that was paved by those before us, but that is what sets us apart from all other generations. We know how to leverage technology for our advantage. Our parents use Social Media to stay connected with us and their high school friends while we’re posting around the clock in an effort to market our brand. Millennials are known to be the most educated generation thus far; showing the most loyalty when it comes to their work ethic by staying with a company longer than a year. Studies also show that #millennials overall have had better parental guidance than generations before them. 

When it comes to our role in our country’s economy, #millennials, have become key players through the housing market as they become home owners. Studies have shown that #millennials have given the housing market a significant boost as well as furniture and bedding sells. These findings indicate to experts that there is hope for recovery in homeownership demand. Millennials as a whole are also powering the auto industry as their representation in car sales is increasing. And finally, #millennials, are also having children which demands expenses be made for their wellbeing; contributing to our society as a whole. shares that “Now that Millennial women are becoming moms for the first time, the economy is bound to benefit from the notable increase in consumption.”

“(...) no generation has been better equipped to overcome them (the world’s challenges) than Millennials. They are skilled with technology, determined, diverse, and more educated than any previous generation” (Taken from “The White House 15 Economic Facts About Millennials” shared by



I was born in 1991 and raised in a single parent household (with my mother). At the age of 11, I got my first cell phone. I could make calls and text. It didn’t even have games. I graduated high school with a 3.2 GPA and moved to NYC to study Acting at AMDA. After graduating in 2011, I booked gigs and gained experience as a professional performer. I lived with my estranged dad in an attempt for us to connect, but that went array. I moved in with my step-mom (who was separated from my dad) and my 2 adopted step-sisters from Ethiopia. I babysat for my step-mom that covered my room and board. On my off days I auditioned, booked shows, did some modeling, networking, did a staged reading of my first play, did volunteer work, picked up some extra work as a babysitter for other families, etc. In June 2017, I left New York and returned to Pittsburgh. Maybe one day I’ll share a post or vlog (most likely an AESTHETIC Friday Video) about that period of my life. I signed with a local Talent Agency, performed twice with a local prestigious theatre, launched my lifestyle blog and online Script Development Service, networked with other artistic professionals in the area; all while living with my mom where I grew up.

In my “Millennial Mind”, I’m not a victim of circumstance. I make the best of what Life gives me. I identify JESUS as my Life (John 14:6, Colossians 1:16-17 KJV). He has kept me through difficult circumstances; enabling me to overcome abuse and manipulation. As a #millennial, I’m pursuing my passions, but I’m also realistic. I’m navigating life with determination, tenacity, relentlessness, and Faith. Just because someone lives with their parent(s), doesn’t mean that they are a basket case. In European cultures, most people live at home until they marry. Some return home after they have a divorce then leave upon remarrying. Stereotypes develop based upon someone’s negative perception of a group of people; usually because of their one bad experience with someone of that demographic. I admit, that returning home was unexpected for me, but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. My grandmother has had some medical problems and being home with my family has given me time to spend with her; being of help to my mother. GOD works everything out for our good (Romans 8:28) AND He knows what He is doing! I protested at first, coming back to the place I was so desperate to leave, but I have the feeling of being “where I’m suppose to be” right now for the time being.

As a teen and in my early twenties, I was eager to experience life for myself; to get out there and hit the ground running. At 19, I became a Christian and all of my expectations got thrown out the window in exchange for the purpose and promises JESUS has for me. Life hasn’t gone how I had hoped, BUT it’s turning out to be greater than what I could ever fathom! I have a family that supports me, I have a community of friends that pray for me, and I know what Love is. I’m healthy, active, social, aware, woke, and so on! I have prospects lined up and opportunities awaiting me. I’m 27 and will soon turn 28 in the months to come, but I’m just getting started. 


Final Thoughts

Gone are the days where you turn 18, go to college, get a job, get married, and retire. Millennials are paving the way by making their own way! We go to school, live life, go back to school, marry, change careers, start our own businesses, have children when we are financially comfortable to do so; all while contributing to society. Millennials are the generation that want their professions to be their passions. We want to live on purpose to thrive and to not just simply survive. We won’t settle for less, but we also will not compromise either. Millennials will search every nook and cranny for an opportunity; hustling during the day while pursuing their dreams at night. This is what it means to be a #millennial




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