Today, I am going to share my thoughts and insight on being a "Blogger"! First, I must say that I never imagined being a "Blogger"; it wasn't on my radar pertaining to immediate goals. This past summer I was playing with the idea of starting a Blog where I could promote my skill sets as well as share some tips and trends that I believe are essential for everyone's "aesthetic". I wasn't sure of how to go about it, but after waiting, praying, and receiving confirmation, I launched "Aesthetic" and haven't looked back! I am excited about my Blog expanding and can't wait to watch it thrive before my very eyes. I say all of this as an encouragement to any newbies out there like me who have just launched their Blog or want to (or you are writing for others' Blogs). Patience is key when establishing anything. What keeps me from growing weary or vapid (with putting so much effort into my Blog, but sometimes traffic can be slow) is knowing and believing that the day will come where more people are subscribing; thus all of my hardwork was worth it. Right now only a few of my posts have about 15-20 views, but I commit to every post like I am submitting it to a mainstream/popular blog because I know that soon more people will go back to my archives and read them. It will be cool to look back and see how far I have come from launching to thriving. You have to keep that in mind so you don't throw in the towel too soon. That is what makes anything worth it: the effort and patience that you put into it.
I've come across resources that offer links to websites that are looking for Bloggers as well as different ways to make your Blog better. I will list those resources below for your consideration.
Now, I am new to this still, and I continue to learn as I go. But, I hope that what I do have to share will assist you as you continue Blogging or begin! I'd like to highlight the top 3 tips for you to consider when you're "Blogging":
When either launching your blog or writing a post for your blog (or others), consider a catchy name for the title that will get readers' wheels turning. Bloggers thrive on writing about things that are relevant and with so many people breaking down the same topic, you need an eye-catching title that stands alone from the rest. The shorter (and more clever) the better. Pertaining to naming your Blog: choose a name that inspires you and do your reasearch first. You don't want to pick a name solely because it sounds cool and then find out later it means something evil or cultic in a foreign language! The name should encompass what your Blog is all about and what you're about.
There is a well of knowledge online pertaining to just about any and everything, especially Blogging. Before you begin writing, I would suggest reading other established Bloggers' writings (for you to get accustomed to the flow of Blogging). When I write, I like to break the information down (just like what I am doing right now) to make it easier to digest. I like to keep my posts at a 3-10 minute read and even though they're short they're also to the point; giving you fast information that is satisfying but not burdensome. I also don't have time to write a 20 minute post, I mean, who would read that? Not even magazine articles are that long of a read! But again on the subject of "research": be sure to take the time to prepare for the topic you will be writing on. Dig deep and highlight the important aspects that you believe many aren't aware of. I do this with my own posts and I like to leave links at the end for the reader to see where I get my information from/for their consideration to check out the subject matter for themself. When referencing links or even mentioning a link within your post make sure to give credit to where credit is do by properly identifying your sources. You're putting yourself out there and anyone can come across your work. You don't want to get int trouble because you shared information from a site, but didn't give them credit for their information that you quoted!
Promotion is key to getting your posts out there to the public. I suggest sharing your posts on your social media platforms as well as investing in business cards and/or posters to help further promote your Blog. When it comes to writing for others, sharing the post on your social media (once the Blog you wrote for publishes it) is a great way to make your skills known, and hopefully attracts more clients to you! You will be surprised at the jobs available for Bloggers that includes everything from beauty to health. A great place to look for Blog jobs is LinkedIn.
It also helps to align yourself with people you know that have a steady following to help spread the word about your efforts. This enables more eyes to come into contact with your writing/Blog. The support of your connection(s) will influence their followers to follow you. Your connection(s) is your recommendation!
And there you have it#bloggoals
I hope that you are enjoying my Blog and all that it has to offer! As always remember to: SUBSCRIBE~LIKE~SHARE