It’s easy to get burnt out by the demands of life. You’re working a crazy schedule, juggling multiple tasks, or an unexpected situation arises; causing you to tend to the circumstance at hand (and set everything else aside for the time being). It can be a comfort to establish a daily routine that is structured; enabling you to be mentally prepared for the day, but it’s unrealistic to not anticipate change. Change can be good or it can be bad. From the loss of a loved one or an impromptu date with an intriguing stranger; change happens all of the time. It is necessary though to not become overwhelmed by these changes.
I don’t know about you, but for me, as long as I’m able to accomplish the goals I have planned for the day (in the midst of dealing with something that I was not anticipating), then I’m fine. But when things get hectic and accelerate, I tend to feel frazzled. I didn’t see it coming and I wasn’t prepared for what would happen next. It almost feels like a test that challenges you; revealing what you’re really made of in the heat of the moment. Will you fight or flight?
Right now, I’m helping my family with a personal situation. It seems like all of a sudden it has spiraled out of control. It has caused me to step up to the plate and take the lead at times with making decisions and so on. All of this has inspired me to share 5 ways that you can keep your cool and maintain your composure when unexpected situations arise. If you can remember to implement these tips into your #aesthetic then you will be able to stay calm and carry on; keeping your peace in the midst of the most hectic of situations!
I pray when I’m happy, when I’m tense, when I don’t know what to do, and when I feel overwhelmed. I pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). When I pray, I feel the peace of GOD. Sometimes I don’t know what to pray and I just say JESUS’ Name. His name means “Save”. I put my trust in The LORD to work everything out for my good and to lead the way (Romans 8:28). I suggest doing this first because it is the foundation that establishes the peace that you need to make it through the unexpected situation you’re facing. It’s truly amazing to watch GOD turn things around and how He uses the hectic and chaotic to bless us. You have to experience it to believe it.

Take a moment and literally walk it off. Go outside and take in some fresh air. I did this recently and it truly made a difference. I took a 10 minute walk to a store and prayed along the way; simply talking to GOD about the situations I’m juggling. It felt like a minor relief as if it gave me a moment to break away from the tension of the situation. Doing this activity will enable you to clear your head and have some alone time to process everything that’s going on.

Lattes are my jam right now. They’re a simple sweet treat that give me the caffeine fix I crave in the morning. Visit your favorite cafe and take moment to enjoy the simple things in life. I’m very observant and I find joy in those things that others tend to take for granted such as having more than one pair of shoes, a supportive family, and the ability to eat three square meals a day. There is someone who doesn’t have the privilege of knowing what that small luxury is like. It would rock their world to obtain it. Taking pleasure in the little things can help put into perspective the present situation you are facing; helping you to overcome.
I don’t like to wait, but there have been things I have faced that have taught me lesson of waiting. I have more patience now then I did before. Sometimes you have to just wait. Dealing with hospitals, doctors, nurses, insurance companies, and social workers force you to wait as details get sorted out. You have to wait for test results to come through or for an important call to come. This puts the situation out of your control for the present moment. You can only do so much within your own strength. During this moment I would recommend Praying, Walking It Off, and Treating Yourself until the waiting is over and the situation moves forward into the next phase. If the situation continues to linger and persist; causing you to feel like you’re getting the run around then I suggest taking action. Speak up by talking to those who are handling the situation; holding them responsible. Don’t be left in the dark about the details of whatever it is you are facing. Demand answers and hold people accountable for what they say they will do.
At the end of the day, you can only do what you’re capable of doing. Don’t beat yourself up for not having the ability to do more. We all have to take everything one step and one day at a time. Like I stated before, unexpected and inconvenient situations are like tests challenging us. These moments reveal who we really are! Be encouraged to know that you’re doing your very best to address the situation. My mom had told me that maybe were dealing with what we’re going through so we can help others who will find themselves in similar situations. The very same thing may be true for you too!
I hope that this has encouraged you and for more motivational posts that elevate your #aesthetic, subscribe to AESTHETIC: The Art of Me, a lifestyle blog for millennials!
