No matter how often you travel...you still end up forgetting something! As hard as you try to make sure that you have everything you need; you still end up wishing that you had packed that product or piece of clothing. This is a habit I want to break and I hope that this convenient checklist will give us all the confidence we need; knowing that we're literally good-to-go!

So, you've made the plans, and you know the dates for when you'll be gone. First thing you MUST do is to plan what you will wear while you're away. When I travel, I check the weather to get a general idea of what it will be like in that location. Sometimes the weather can be tricky; making it difficult to know what will be comfortable, stylish, and appropriate to wear. Depending upon the reason for why you're traveling (special occasion/leisure); you'll want to think of outfits you'd like to wear while away. Once you pull out your favorite pieces from your wardrobe, go ahead and try them on. Sometimes an outfit might seem like it will work in our mind's eye, but trying it on is the game-changer. You don't want to pack an outfit (without trying it on) only to realize that pieces don't go together and/or it's not flattering on your figure. I speak from experience and want to save you the drama! Set time aside to play dress-up; trying on clothing and outfit combinations to see what you feel attractive in. When you're traveling and while you're away, you want to feel comfortable and confident. This is especially true when you travel out-of-state/country and are in a new place; feeling out of your element. Feeling confident in your clothing will help you to have fun and enjoy the moment; not obsessing and stressing over how awkward you feel.
Safe Storage

It's better to stay safe than sorry and packing extra ensures that you're covered while you're away! You thought you packed that bra (that lays perfectly underneath your favorite blouse), but little did you know, you forgot it. Now what? Of course, you could run out to a local store and purchase one, but keeping a clean bra in your travel bag guarantees that you will have what you need (when you need it). You can (and should) do the same with socks, underwear, and all of the other basics that are necessary for traveling.

Simply leave these staples in your travel bag/suitcase and depending upon the occasion; pack similar items that are dressier. If you slip and forget to pack something then you're already covered. You don't have to over think it. Just a bra or two, a couple pairs of socks, and underwear. Believe me, it may seem trivial, but when you've realized that you forgot any one of those things; you do wish you had packed extra.
Travel Sizes

Travel size products are perfect for flying and any other method of traveling; even for daily use when you're at work or running errands. Some brands sell their products in smaller versions making it easier for packing and traveling. I personally like to purchase travel size containers; enabling me to fill them up with my favorite products that may not come in a travel-friendly size. You can purchase travel-size containers at Dollar Tree for literally $1 each! I fill up these travel-size bottles with shower gel, face wash, face creams, moisturizers, oils, etc. As an added bonus, I leave these travel bottles within a make up pouch; keeping it on my dresser (at the ready) for when I need to pack a bag for a trip. This gives me the ease of packing without having to purchase products or carry large bottles that make my bag(s) heavier; adding pressure to my body.

I hope that these helpful tips will enable you to travel with ease; knowing that you have everything that you need to enjoy your trip with confidence and style!
