Learning French (or any language for that matter) is as easy as “un, deux, trois!"

Bonjour! Ca va? Je vais bien!
In today's Post I share my journey of studying French and the benefits of learning a new language. Be sure to checkout the links below that offer free resources for you to begin studying any language you desire!
I began my journey with learning French this past summer, so it’s been about 5 months, and my vocabulary continues to increase! There are many reasons why I’ve decided to learn French over other languages. The first reason is that my younger siblings are half French and the second reason (as I’ve noted in my Bio) is that I want to record French Pop music. I don’t like American Pop particularly, but French Pop comes off as more intriguing to me; perhaps more exotic because it is French! I also enjoy taking new words or phrases that I learn and incorporating it into a song (it also helps with memorization). And on top of singing I would love to also act in a French production (stage and/or film). Lastly, I can’t wait for the day I go to Paris! Studying French in advance is preparing me for the real deal. I am still learning, but with what I already know right now, I feel comfortable to ask a Parisian “Oo eh, café?” (Where is the cafe?) or my waiter “Combien est-ce que je vous dois ?” (How much do I owe you?)
Here's a few reasons why you should consider learning a new language too!
Like I mentioned before, knowing some French before I travel to Paris, takes the edge off. I will be comfortable to talk to natives and it will even help strengthen my vocabulary. I will hear how natives actually pronounce phrases/words and also understand what is being said. Going to a place you’ve never been before and where you don’t understand the language can be overwhelming. But learning key words and phrases will enable you to have an enjoyable experience and an appreciation for the beautiful culture that cultivated their native tongue that you are learning.
Everyone knows that in today’s Post Modern Era the more languages you know the better and especially in the job force. When looking for a job, employers, navigate towards potential candidates who are fluent in another language/bilingual. High schools are even preparing their students to the extent that you must be fluent in the language you choose as a graduation requirement! Learning another language will highlight your resume to employers making you one step closer to getting the job!
Everyone will be impressed with you when they hear you speak another language! Some may thing your showing off (but it’s still impressive nonetheless). Learning another language takes time, commitment, and patience! This is what people pick up on when you share your skills with them (as well as employers). And when you speak to someone in their native language you ultimately win their heart. Language is how we communicate to each other and speaking to someone who is French (for example) or only speaks French is a way of reaching out and making a connection. I went to my friend’s wedding last March and a Spanish woman sat at my table with me and some of my other friends. Only one of our friends spoke Spanish and she was able to engage in conversation with the woman so she didn’t feel left out. Taking time to learn another language will allow you to meet new people and impress those you already know. It may even lead to some open doors and opportunities. It’s better to be safe than sorry and the best thing about learning is that you can go at your own pace (when you have free time). This guarantees that your vocabulary will grow and increase over time.
http://learningfrenchfree.com/ is my favorite site that I have been utilizing to study French. It allows me to go at my own pace and it gives you the basics: listen and repeat.
Duolingo is a free online resource for those who like to be challenged and are competitive. They offer small lessons that put you to the test causing you to “race against the clock” and you gain points for everything you get correct. They also provide a long list of languages to choose from!
Babbel is the #1 language learning app in the world. They boast in offering an effective comprehensive learning system that enables you to be conversational fast for “real life” situations in the language you choose to learn.
Open Cultural provides 48 languages to choose from as well as online courses to help you study. Or you can simply download the audio to your laptop and/or phone then listen and repeat!
{French for “health” or “cheers”}