Oh, the irony! I had planned to write this post; sharing my #aesthetic on how I stay healthy during this cold Winter season. Little did I know, that I would wake up with a sore throat! Nonetheless, my tips will help you to keep your immune system strong so you can keep it 100.
I can’t speak enough about the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar(ACV)! I like to use it for a plethora of things, such as a toner to brighten my skin. When it comes to helping my body from the inside out; I like to use ACV to gargle. This hack helps to relieve a sore throat. It is suggested to do this either 30 minutes before or after brushing your teeth (because of the acid in ACV). Do this once or twice a day (morning then night) to ease the pain of your sore throat.

After using the ACV, I like to drink hot water (some times with lemon). Usually when my throat gets sore it’s because I had a cold drink (or my drink got cold) while out in the cold weather. Add cough drops to your hot water making your own unique “tea” to help sooth your aching throat.
The average adult needs at least 7-8 hours of sleep. Make sure you are getting enough rest on a consistent basis! Consistency is the key to losing weight, keeping weight off, learning a new language, eating healthy, staying disciplined, and so much more. Getting enough sleep benefits your body’s overall health including your skincare; such as preventing dark circles under the eyes.

Vitamins provide the nutrients that our bodies need to fight off illnesses and diseases. When you don’t have the time to eat a proper meal or to be able to cook a nutritious organic meal, then vitamins are a great for filling he void. I recommend eating and taking your vitamins to ensure that your body is receiving all that it needs to stay healthy.
Stay active during the harsh cold season by finding a workout plan that suits your lifestyle. Having an active fitness plan enables you to workout consistently; keeping your body in shape (and preventing diseases/illness). Start small then gradually build up to a more rigorous routine as your body gets stronger.
I may sound like your mama, but even though it’s trivial, it’s true. Humans spread germs like wild fire. It’s crucial to wash your hands when you enter your home, before eating meals, and after using the restroom/bathroom. Washing your hands lowers your chances of getting sick among a list of other things. For more check out this link!

I’ve noticed that I have gotten ill when I didn’t eat much while being out in the cold. That combination is just asking for it! It is vital that you eat a full well balanced meal. There have been times when I haven’t eaten enough at night (if I had a big lunch earlier). I would feel sick in the middle of the night or the following day because my body was deprived of the nutrients that it needed to stay strong. You can count on your body to let you know what it needs and when it needs it.
The weather can be fickle. One day it’s 50 degrees with 5 mph winds then the following day it can be below 20 degrees with winds blowing at 15 mph! I first suggest that you check the weather before leaving the house. Plan your outfit for the day accordingly by wearing leggings under your jeans or pants. Add a long sleeve top underneath your sweater. If your sweater or top is short sleeved then I suggest at least wearing a t-shirt underneath to provide that extra layer of clothing; providing warmth for your body. Ladies: DO NOT WEAR “COLD SHOULDER” TOPS IN COLD WEATHER! I did this recently and I believe that it contributes to my sore throat. If you are outside and still feel cold underneath your coat then you aren’t wearing enough layers. Double your socks and if you’re wearing a skirt or dress; double your tights/pantyhose to ensure that needed covering of protection for your bare legs.
These are just a few tips to keep in mind so you can stay healthy during this frigid Winter season. What is your #aesthetic for fighting the cold weather? Share your hacks and tips with me on Social Media!
Instagram: @mariah_the_actress
Twitter: @thepgh_princess
Facebook: @aestheticsocial
