When GOD puts a dream in your heart, sometimes, it can become difficult to continue to hold on to His Promise. Walking with Him (having a personal relationship through prayer, praise, and reading His Word) isn't all daisies and rainbows. There are seasons where it can be tumultuous storms and dire roads. GOD allows those seasons to test our Faith to show Him (but especially us) whether or not we are legit when it comes to our Faith (or if we're just giving Him lip service when things seem to be going our way). Right now, I am waiting on GOD to fulfill a Promise to me, one that has been in the works for a while. There are days where I want to throw in the towel and walk away. Sometimes I can get so down in a pit that I can't fathom how JESUS will lift me up, but He does every time! I have been through the gamut with JESUS from shaking my fist, cussing like a sailor, not praying, not praising, not reading my Bible, etc. His Mercy and Grace are sufficient. I have matured much since then, but it still gets hard now and again to hold on. It's hard not to ask questions (Why this way? Why me?). But I know it to be true that GOD is able to work out ALL things for your good; including the good, the bad, and the ugly (Romans 8:28, KJV). Like Sarah and Abraham, we can make mistakes and try to take matters into our own hands. GOD is still able to make His promise to you come to fruition nonetheless. I honestly believe that He has taken our mistakes into consideration beforehand revealing that no one is ever counted out. He can use anyone to do anything. For me, the hardest part about waiting on GOD is that He will surround you with people who can't fathom what it is that He is doing in you and for you. In biblical times, dreams and promises from GOD were taken seriously. If you had a dream then you were expected to tell everyone. Today, try telling someone what you believe GOD is doing on your behalf and they will side-eye you like you have three heads (or treat you like a crackpot). And I'm talking about supposed "Christians" mind you! He is the GOD of the impossible and yet we expect Him to do things our way! If you can do it yourself then it isn't a "promise from GOD"! GOD is doing something that you can't and His ways are past finding out (Romans 11:33). I use to feel that waiting on Him would be much easier if people could understand the position that I am in, but this is my test that I must pass. It all comes down to whether I will be persuaded by the Word of GOD or the opinions of men. GOD wants us to believe and obey Him regardless of the consequences. If you feel like you're going in circles (or around the same old mountain) then I dare say you may just be taking the same test! GOD is waiting for you to fully submit to Him (so you can pass it and move on). GOD allows trials and situations to "break us down" so He can "build us back up" into who we need to be (i.e. like JESUS). I've cried out to GOD in petition to why it seems to be taking so long for His promise to me to be fulfilled and even though it has been a long time coming, I know that I can't give up now. I can look back over my shoulder and see the distance He has carried me! I am not the girl I use to be. I'm a woman and it's because of my Faith in Him. GOD has been my Father and has raised me (and protected me). Wisdom has been my portion. There are things I haven't experienced, but it's not to say that I am missing out, but more so that I have been preserved from the pain of those experiences.

Sometimes, I look at a calendar, and I wonder where will I be days from now? What will I be doing and who will I be with? We can plan and act as if we are in control, but we are all liable to the Will of GOD. We are also liable to the actions of others. It isn't GOD'S Will for someone to get shot, but He has given man "free will". A man chooses to do good or evil. You can choose to continue to believe that GOD will indeed show up for you or you can go your own way; the choice is yours. If you're like me and you can see where GOD has stepped-in and showed up for you then this should be enough to hold you down in position. He will make everything that you have endured WORTH-THE-WAIT! I believe that this is what qualifies you to be recognized as an "Overcomer"; to still be standing after having been put to the test, mocked, ridiculed, persecuted because of your Faith, etc.

I've been called "delusional" to my face for submitting to GOD and I don't care. I will not tolerate judgement from someone who doesn't believe in the GOD I serve. They can't understand anyway, but I do pray that when they see my Victory that it softens their heart to believe. A house and money in your bank account doesn't make you a better person or a good person and they definitely won't be going with you when you die. There are people who live an abundant lifestyle YET they want to take their own lives. When Kate Spade passed weeks ago, I was shocked. It resonated with me in such a profound way because I had just cried out to GOD wanting things to finally pick up/be established and here was this woman who seemingly had it all but was still depressed. If your spirit/soul aren't right then no material earthly-goods will appease the ache within you. There are homeless people who have more peace and they're more generous and compassionate too! I say all of this because I don't want you to lose hope. I feel that this is also for me because sometimes it does get hard trying to stay positive. Since I've been waiting on GOD to move on my behalf, I have had to engage in Spiritual Warfare. There are times when I don't feel like praying, but I know that I have to because Satan doesn't want me to obtain my Destiny. He doesn't want any of us to! That is why we must not give up on GOD nor forsake His promises.

I encourage you to read 2 Kings 6-7 as it gives the account of how GOD turned a situation around overnight. Some scoffed and put the blame on GOD, but the prophet Elisha gave the Word that GOD was going to move suddenly in order to rectify the situation. It went from famine to overflow and abundance overnight...HOURS LATER. We don't know what the next several hours, day, weeks, and months hold, but GOD does and He is more than able to turn your situation around and/or fulfill His promise(s) to you in an Ephesians 3:20 way! You're in your position right now so that the Glory of GOD can be revealed through you to others taking your Faith and their's to another level (John 9:3, KJV).
Monday's post will be PT. II concerning "Dreams". I will also share some tools that will help you to discern what GOD is revealing to you though your dreams!
And it shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our GOD; we have waited for Him, and He will save us: this is The LORD ; we have waited for Him, we will be glad and rejoice in His salvation.