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Don't Stop Believing PT. II: Dreams Decoded

Writer's picture: Mariah FranklinMariah Franklin

Updated: Jul 9, 2018

Today for Part II I will be sharing simple tools that you can use concerning a dream or dreams that you have had; giving clear understanding for what you have seen. 

Sometimes dreams can be trippy and make no type of sense then there are dreams that stand apart from the rest. You don’t know what it is but you do know that it’s significant as it registers with you on another level. You feel happy in the dream or you remember every detail as if you’re recalling a memory! Some dreams are exciting and others can be terrifying. It’s easy to right-off what we don’t understand as “just a dream” then continue on with life as if unfazed, but...what if GOD Himself is trying to get your attention. Job 33 outlines how GOD gives everyone dreams to warn them from future harm and how He tries one way then another to make Himself clear. He wants us- (everyone: believers and non believers) to search our dreams out. Non believers have converted (to Christianity) upon recognizing the extent of what their dream(s) were about! My theory is that if you are so rational and methodical all of the time that you will totally miss it when something rare, unique, and unbelievable happens to you. It would also be devastating to remember a dream that you have had, ignore it, then realize later on that it indeed came to pass only for you to see that you have missed it. I’m not ashamed to share, (because it’s apart of my testimony) that in having a relationship with JESUS, the dreams that I have had HAVE come to pass. Some of them I didn’t realize until after the fact and others have unfolded before my very eyes. With that being said, the following points are outlined to help you discern what GOD is wanting to highlight to you. 


This is the first step to gaining understanding. Humble yourself before GOD and ask Him what the dream was about. He has an interesting way in leading us to revelation that is astounding. Sometimes HOLY SPIRIT hits me with a download and other times it has been months...even a year (or years) later when I gained complete understanding of what was being revealed to me. You don’t have to pray anything complicated or elaborate. Simply ask GOD if the Dream was indeed from Him then to show you the meaning of it. Satan masquerades like an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:12-14, AMP) and has the ability to give dreams. GOD allows it at times to test us. For me it has sharpened my discernment. I am able to quickly identify something from the enemy and something from GOD. The more you walk with The LORD the more you know His nature. GOD is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33, KJV). He will not speak a Promise to your heart then show you the opposite in a dream. Satan will! That’s his M.O. to throw you off track so you’ll give up (throwing in the towel). He doesn’t want anyone to operate in their destiny! So pray, pray, pray. Don’t stop praying until you get your answer. Be encouraged that you have a bona fide dream from The LORD! This is a sign that He is with you or that He desires for you to draw near to Him. Saul was desperate for answers, but GOD wasn't with Him anymore because he (Saul) walked in disobedience before Him continually. So...Saul decides (as a last resort) to go to a "woman with a familiar spirit" to conjure up the spirit of Samuel the prophet because GOD answered him no more through dreams

(1 Samuel 28:6).


I would recommend writing your dream out to be able to see in front of you the symbols that really grabbed your attention. These symbols mean more than what meets the eye! Dreams are symbolic and visions are literal. Joseph’s second dream in Genesis depicted stars that represented his brothers, the Moon that was his mother, and the sun was his father. Jacob saw this when his son told him initially and Joseph realized this years later when his family needed him the most (Genesis 37:9-11, Genesis 45:5). My point is to not take everything at face value but to pay close attention to what you have seen in the dream then take it from there. I recently had a dream where I was “jumping” down stairs with a group of people. Jumping is a sudden spontaneous action (movement) representing that I will be “jumping” into something soon which lines up with what GOD has already revealed to me concerning His Promise(s) towards me! 


When did you wake up? If you don’t recall this then don’t worry, but be mindful of it next time you wake up! When I have a GOD-dream, I like to take the time at which I woke up from the dream and find the scripture that correlates with it. For example: 5:31 AM=Ephesians 5:31. To determine the right verse that fits with your dream, it must line up with the theme of your dream. Another important factor is that the verse resonates with your spirit. Sometimes I go through my Bible until I arrive at a verse that I know HOLY SPIRIT is highlighting. It’s like a puzzle piece from GOD to give you a clear picture of what He plans to do for you, in you, and/or with you! 

Another tip is that if you wake up at a time that has a 0 in it then you can exclude that because in the Hebrew Gematria, 0s, have no value! I would suggest going that route after searching through scripture that matches your time (9:10 AM=Chapter 9 Verse 10 or w/o the 0=Chapter 9 Verse 1); if a verse doesn't resonate with the theme of your dream. Basically, if you have a lighthearted dream about your future then a verse about rebuke or destruction doesn't go with what you have seen!

I also search for the page in my Bible with the same numbers. Example: 5:31 AM=page 531. The last time I tried to this, there wasn’t a page number that matched the time I woke up, so that ruled that option out. It may seem like grasping for straws, but this verse should silence any doubt: Proverbs 25:2, KJV

To me, this verse in Proverbs says that GOD sees us as royalty and He puts “His royalty” to work (Revelation 5:10, KJV)! 

Like I mentioned before, GOD, tests us to see if we will pursue Him. He doesn’t hand you things without effort (on your behalf) all of the time. Walking with Him IS a relationship and that means reciprocation! Your relationship with Him is based on you! The more you spend time in His Presence then the more He will speak with you and show you things you don’t know (Jeremiah 33:3, KJV). GOD wants us to be faithful stewards of what He gives us and that we will not mistreat/mishandle His gifts to us!

My final recommendation is to take the time you woke up and filter it into “Strong’s Concordance”. You may get a nugget that will reveal a word that sheds light on your dream. Checkout this screenshot as an example:

In January of 2017, I had a dream about marriage. GOD was speaking to me about my future telling me that it was definitely happening (i.e. "unchangeable")! He was showing me that this is indeed His Will for me and it's a #surething!


Lastly, I encourage you to not get overwhelmed with when and how your dream(s) will come to pass. This is something I am constantly learning as I continue my walk with JESUS. Sometimes it’s easy and other times I get anxious to see a dream manifest in my life. To "enjoy the journey" is true and I’m wanting to do that consistently. We must wait on GOD’S timing with everything. Some dreams are fulfilled overnight and others happen years later. Trust GOD and believe that you are in His Will (that He knows what He’s doing). You’ll be amazed to see how everything turns out when your GOD-dreams do come to pass! 

These are links I utilize to help me understand my dreams more:

{The sources are great concerning numbers or symbols in your dream because GOD is able to reveal things that you aren't aware of prior; conveying a message or giving instruction.}

Want to "draw closer" to GOD (or begin a relationship with Him)? Then click the link to read my past post on exactly how:

Thy dream, and the visions of thy head upon thy bed (...) He that revealeth secrets maketh known to thee what shall come to pass. -Daniel 2:28b, 29b (KJV)



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