Take it from a newbie like myself, it's easy to feel overwhelmed at times as you try to stay relevant on what to write about. The constant question that never ceases is: "what will be my next post?". It's funny how there's so much going on in the world with a variety of topics to write on and yet, we #bloggers, can still get writer's block! Today's post is for you (and any other inspiring writers out there that want to throw their hat in the ring). Week after week, I find myself praying for inspiration as I ask HOLY SPIRIT to help me (inspire me) with what the next post will be about. He shows up for me without fail as I am led to subjects that are relevant yet not overbearing; giving me enough time to put the post together. I like to keep my posts thorough yet precise never going over a 10 minute read. This formula to me enables the reader to glean the information in a simple way that gets to the point without being long-winded! I believe that my audience is a busy bunch and I don't want to waste anyone's time with a lengthy post. My number one tip when it comes to blogging (especially if you feel maxed-out with what to talk about next) is to write about what you know. Share what you're passionate about and take it from there. This is the best place to start in my opinion; enabling you to write from your perspective sharing your voice with your readers. The following list is for your consideration the next time you hit a wall with what topic/subject to blog about next!
1. Fashion Hit:
Write about a fashion trend that you like or are currently rocking at the moment. Share your take on the trend and why you are on the bandwagon!
2. Fashion Miss:
And/or you can do the exact opposite and write a piece on a fashion trend that annoys the heck out of you. Fashion can be funny sometimes and not every trend is for everyone! Speak your mind revealing to your audience why the fashion trend is really a "fashion faux pas" in your eyes.
3. Personal Advice:
Save someone the heartache or trouble that you have experienced by writing about yours. I caution you to write about what you feel comfortable about. Don't share details on something that you're still getting over and/or is fresh (literally just happened)! Experience is a certified teacher. Whether it's good or bad, you can share that moment, how you went about the situation, and what you wish you would've done (or shouldn't have done).

4. A Day In the Life:
Give your readers an inside look to the life that you live! You can breakdown your day by talking about your #aesthetic. From getting up in the morning to preparing for your day, the goals that you have to meet, to how you unwind when it's all said and done. Posts like these reveal the common bond of human nature and how we're not alone. It's easy to think that you're the "only one" when there are others who are of the same mindset or do see things the way you do too!
5. Hero Highlight:
Who do you admire the most and why? Blog about this inspiring person by interviewing them on their life and accomplishments. Their story may be the motivation that someone needs to encourage them (and you)!
6. New Music:
What artists are currently dominating your playlist? Write a review on new songs that you have discovered recently or it can be on old songs that you are just getting acquainted with!
7. Places to Go:
If you travel a lot for business or pleasure then you can definitely bank on this one! Blog about the destinations that you go to; sharing places that you recommend such as restaurants, spas, shopping, venues, etc. It can be something as epic as an exotic cruise or simple such as visiting a friend in another state!
8. Restaurant Review:
Did a new joint just open up in your neighborhood? Be the first one on it by blogging about your experience. Go with your spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, or friend(s) and take plenty of pictures! Get your company's opinion on what they ordered and share your overall experience of whether or not you recommend it. Be sure to take note of the staff and how you were treated!

9. Top 10:
You can go wild with this one! There's never a shortage of "top 10" posts on subjects as vast and as wide as the sky. From musicians to destinations, paintings or books, and everything else in between; simply pick your topic and get to work!
10. Partner Tag:
Spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend: compile a list of questions to ask your beloved and share their response in a post. This is a candid yet fun way of giving your readers an inside look at your real relationship without being too personal because you get to decide what questions will be addressed.
11. DIY Do:
Which "do-it-yourself" trend is on your radar and why would you recommend it to others? Write about your experience and how it has improved your #aesthetic!
12. DIY Don't:
Or you can dish on the #diy that you're side-eyeing because it actually isn't "all that" after all.

13. Upcoming Events:
Pick an event that is going to take place in your location and make plans to attend. Afterwards you can blog about your experience; sharing pictures from that moment! You can also compile a list of events that are slated to take place in your city/town to inform readers who live in your area or nearby so they can get in on the action!
14. YouTube Favorites:
For me, YouTube, is my "cable provider"! Most of what I watch is through YouTube and I have a few favorites that got me visiting their channels on the regular to stay-in-the-know with what they're up to/what they have to share. Who are some of your favorites and why? Blog about channels that you recommend your readers to check out (and be sure to include your own if you have one)!
15. Politically Correct:
Every one has an opinion about the political climate of their country. Throw your hat in the ring by weighing in on what's going on and how it effects you as a citizen.
16. Product Review:
Buy something new recently? Share with your subscribers the pros, the cons, and whether or not you recommend the purchase. From lotion to a new phone; feel free to write multiple posts on products that you choose to review.
Visit my Influenster profile here to check out products I have recently reviewed:

17. Mission Statement:
Tell readers why you launched your blog in the first place! What motivates you to blog and why is it of interest to you? This reveals to your subscribers what your intentions are. It helps to also encourage others to subscribe upon becoming familiar with you and your desire to blog.
18. Recipe Rundown:
Show em how it's done by giving a step-by-step recipe on a dish that is delicious yet simple!
19. Personal Goals:
Where do you see yourself years from now? Talk about the goals that you have set for yourself (that you'd like to accomplish) between now and then. Your drive will motivate others to pursue their goals (or to set goals in general)!
20. Parenting:
Help new parents and aspiring parents by writing about your experience thus far. If you aren't a parent you can share the lessons you have learned from your parents over the years or things you have observed that you would (and/or wouldn't do)!
Another tip to keep in mind when blogging is to keep track of your sources. I like to share links throughout and/or at the end of the post I have written if it required research. It gives confirmation to the topic that you are writing about while highlighting your voice as you speak your take on things! I hope this gets your "creative juices flowing" as I'm going to practice what I preach; using a few of these ideas myself as upcoming #aestheticposts!
Remember to support AESTHETIC: The Art of Me on Patreon! For more information visit the link on the home page. Monthly patrons of $20 or more receive "The Special Treatment"! Your support enables AESTHETIC to continue to provide relevant content that takes your #aesthetic to the next level.