Maybe you’re like me: an eager twenty-something year old, excited about life, and all that lies ahead of you! Maybe...you find yourself daydreaming about motherhood: wondering about how many children you’ll have, planning baby names, and gushing over onesies that you notice while shopping. Ever since I was eight years old, I knew that I wanted to be a mother! At that time my cousin had a newborn baby girl. When I saw her for the first time; I just knew that I wanted that in my life. Now looking back, I think that that was my first time seeing a baby in person, and to be so close to one. I grew up with baby dolls, but to see a real baby planted the seed in my heart and mind. I had to be a mama when I grew up (among other things)!

Living in the world we inhabit today, motherhood, isn’t on the radar for everyone. It seems like women are redefining how one can actually become a mother. There are times when motherhood evens gets thrown under the bus. It’s viewed by some as being something that holds a woman back from pursuing her dreams; crippling her from going to the next level in her career. I believe that preparation is key before becoming a mother (or a father) yet it shouldn’t be knocked as something negative. It shouldn’t have to be one or the other. There are scores of successful women who have mastered the fine art of juggling marriage, family, and work. Sacrifices MUST be made and patience is NECESSARY, but in the end it is all worth it! I think women factor in their age and don’t want to be older when they’re trying to obtain their goal(s). Yet, many “baby boomers” are flipping the script on what it means to be “up-in-age”; opting to establish their own businesses instead of retiring.
The thing about wanting to become a mother is that you don’t have to wait (until you meet someone, fall in love, and get married) to prepare your body for the experience of a lifetime! It’s not silly to take care of your body now; insuring that you will have a healthy pregnancy in the future. It doesn’t require anything overwhelming or strenuous. The best part about preparing now is that you won’t have to stress about getting use to the new adjustments that have to be made while you carry your baby.

here is a checklist of A few things that I have implemented into my routine:
-No coffee:

This topic is still up for debate! Many people are torn over whether or not coffee is beneficial or detrimental to your health. I have read articles that suggest pregnant women shouldn’t drink coffee and others that have stated that it is okay to have at most 2 (8oz) cups a day. I have opted to give up coffee consumption. I have had a habit of using a lot of creamer to get it to my liking. Creamer is essentially liquid sugar and I want to remove as much sugar from my diet as I can. This is a good step to take if you are an avid coffee-drinker; consuming more than 2 cups a day. Try cutting back on your coffee consumption for the sake of your health and (your future baby’s).
-More Water Consumption:

The benefits of drinking more water are endless. It flushes out your system and enables your skin to heal from the inside out. Swap one of those cups of coffee (or a bottle of soda) for purified water instead. If you need a little something to appeal to your taste buds; try adding a lemon wedge or two to give it a sweet lemony flavor!
-Consistent Exercise:

I exercise 4x a week and have been working out since I was 19. It’s easy to think, that once you find out that your pregnant, that you should just shutdown all physical activity (because you’re going to gain weight anyway). Truth be told, that is a myth, as you don’t gain that much weight upon getting pregnant. Pregnancy is different from woman to woman. Exercise is one of the best things that you can do for your baby when the time comes. Starting now will give you the time to find an exercise and routine that works for you so you can commit to it.
-Balanced Diet:

Fruits and vegetables are necessary staples that you must incorporate into your diet. I know that the demands of life can make it hard to always plan a proper meal. I try to add fruit and vegetables into my diet several days throughout the week. The vitamins and minerals in fruits and vegetables will provide you with the essentials that you need to keep your body in tip-top shape in preparation for your future baby.

Flossing can be tedious at times. When I’m in a rush, I only floss at night. If I’m not going anywhere that day then I will floss in the morning and at night. Flossing helps to prevent gum disease which can cause complications for the baby.
It’s amazing to think that everything that you do and even the thoughts that you think effect your baby! The connection is real.

I’ve been watching Mama-YouTubers and reading free E-books on pregnancy-preparation; taking notes as I go. All of this is helping me to mentally prepare for the moment that this dream comes true. If only more women (and men) took the time to prepare (mentally, physically, spiritually, and financially) for becoming parents! They would have a better handle on going about the overwhelming (yet beautiful) role of caring for a precious life that is new to the world. Pregnancy is more than just carrying a baby for 9 months. You become a parent the moment you find out that you’re pregnant! Parenting is more than just providing food, clothing, and shelter. Shelters provide those things for homeless people! Parenting is to guide your child or children properly in the right direction. You are responsible for taking them under your wings and preparing them every single day. Parents are to speak life (encouraging words) into their children; building them up and NEVER tearing them down!

I use to take these on and off, but now I take them daily! Vitamins are great for when you don’t have the time to get all of the organic fruits and veggies implemented into your diet on a daily basis. They are another necessity that is required to keep you healthy and in shape for becoming a future mama.
-Less Alcohol:

I’m not saying to give it up altogether. I’m enjoying as much wine as I can (i.e. 2/3 glasses) before the time comes where I’ll have to set it aside. But if you are a heavy drinker and want to become a mother; then you should put your drinking habits in check! Do it now before it becomes a messy problem later on. Drinking (and smoking) while pregnant are horrible habits to have. They will be detrimental to the health of your future baby. For more information on alcohol and pregnancy checkout this article:
I’m not a smoker of cigarettes, weed, (or vaping), and I don’t partake in any other type of drug(s). If this is your situation and you want to be a mother in the future; I encourage you to make the decision to get help. This is the first step for you to get your body healthy so you can have the privilege of experiencing a beautiful pregnancy.

All-in-all, enjoy the present moment that you are in without the fear of pressure or anxiety. Taking these“baby-steps” (in doing what you can #now) enables that you’ll be more than ready to embrace your dream of becoming a mama!
