I hope everyone had a peaceful and jubilant holiday with their loved ones. And as the title of my Post exclaims, this will be about the "perks of being alone" (i.e. alone time). I've noticed personally that when I'm around family (even friends) it can become overwhelming at times and you constantly have to rearrange your daily schedule because you're gathering together; even though those moments are fun and exciting. But just as those moments are necessary in life so are private moments where you can be alone to think, process, and discover who you really are; not becoming so utterly influenced by others.
Most people don't have a healthy balance of these realities and they're either a "party animal" or a "hermit". When I was a teenager I was borderline consumed with fitting in and being like everyone else that I lost sight of me. So when I turned 17, I put my foot down and decided that I was going to take a journey of self-discovery establishing the type of woman that I wanted to be and how I wanted to be recognized in the world by others. I had to do the same thing ironically when I began Acting professionally. Casting Directors "type cast" when choosing actors for particular roles in a play/film. As an actor/actress, you have to decide how you want to be seen and what roles you are willing to portray: the jock, the girl next door, the nerd, etc.
Now, I'm not so stubborn nor hardheaded that I neglect advice altogether, but I am of the disposition that advice is necessary when asked of. It's very imposing to just toss your "two cents" at someone when they didn't ask for your take on the situation; it comes off as presumptuous like you're a "know it all". What works for some may not work for others and vice versa.
Another perk of spending some quality time alone, especially now with 5 days left of 2017, is that you can reflect on where you're at currently in life and review your goals that have been accomplished or that are still pending. There is always this sense of excitement with every new year, like it's a "clean slate" where you can start over/begin again. To me, everyday is an opportunity to "get it right" and to pursue a goal/dream. It's never too late until you're dead. No one knows when they're going to go so we can't waste our time complaining and need to crack down putting those dreams, goals, ideas into action. I'd rather die trying than to settle for less. Step out on Faith and pray for GOD'S direction. He won't fail you and like it says so eloquently in James 1 that GOD gives wisdom freely to those who simply ask for it from Him.
Having a moment of privacy is a beneficial necessity. It's easy to go along with what others say, especially the opinions of family/friends, but we need to be able to think for ourselves (especially if someone's opinion/view point is questionable). You don't want to be liable for just going with their opinion instead of trusting your gut or doing what you believe is right/know to be true.
When I'm alone, I pray, submitting myself to GOD'S Will as I place my dreams and desires in His hands to establish them on His timetable. This is how I am able to discern whether or not to accept someone's advice. If it doesn't line up with what GOD'S HOLY SPIRIT has revealed to me then I ignore it, but if it lines up with what I've been told then I accept it and act upon it (if it requires me to do so in my own power).
So, I challenge all of you: take a day, an hour, thirty minutes to have to yourself to reflect, process, think, and write down your goals and dreams. Take stock of your life and don't become weary at what you haven't done yet or the time that has passed, but dare to dream and approach 2018 with a positive perspective that "anything is possible".
Submit to GOD and trust Him with your life. He will surprise you with the doors that He is able to open before your very eyes.
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