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Resolutions Resolved!

Writer's picture: Mariah FranklinMariah Franklin

Happy Monday and Happy 2018! As we begin this year with a sense of a fresh start and clean slate; it's also the time when most people decide to give exercise another shot as

they test drive any and every diet fad available to mankind (myself included). If you follow me on Instagram then you've seen my post from this past Friday of a "SlimFast" drink I was trying out and I asked the question "Does it work though?". Personally, I think that it doesn't, for me that is, being that I am of a petite stature and I am not overweight. The product claims to keep one from any desire of hunger for 4 hours and I commented on that same Instagram post that it gave me the "reverse effect": I felt hungry and not satisfied by the drink at all. I naturally have a high metabolism and the added energy from the weight loss drink gave me a desire to want to eat. I am a snack person and I like to have several snacks throughout the day then dinner at night. I find it hard to stick to a weight loss plan because I always feel hungry and I hate that feeling. You should be able to feel satisfied (full) by what you eat as long as you maintain a healthy consistent diet and attribute exercise to your weekly routine.

The main objective of any diet /exercise regime is commitment. You have to push through the pain and continue forward to see any results. This is where most fall by the wayside with not following through with their "resolutions". I also hold the opinion that many place too much pressure upon themselves with trying to loose weight and once they do they stop exercising feeling that they have arrived. It all goes back to what I had mentioned that it comes down to commitment. you have to stick with it even after you lose the weight/see results. I, myself, have noticed when I skip workout(s) that I picked up a pound or two and I have to get back on track with my routine. It's especially been hard with this holiday season and all of the sweets that have been exchanged and passed around. Then when you spend time with family, you don't have the desire to throw on your workout clothes and sweat for thirty minutes (and there's no privacy to do so anyways)!

For the past year or so I have referenced the archives of workout videos available on YouTube leading me to create a Playlist of all of my favorites. I utilize this Playlist when I workout following along with the instructors in each video like they're my personal trainer. And it's all free of charge saving me time and money as I burn calories from the comforts of home.

But there are more goals than the typical "drop 10 lbs". As I mentioned earlier and in my prior Post, "Me, Myself, & I: The Perks of Being Alone", the "new year" always gives the essence of a fresh start and not just for weight loss, but to act upon delayed dreams and goals that may have been set aside in the past. It's always been a thing of mine to poise myself for the start of the year; that what I am doing when the clock strikes 12 sets the tone for the rest of year. As I am writing this Post, it's just hours before midnight, and I have to admit today was a rocky start for me. While I reflected upon this past year, I recognized that there were things that didn't pan out as I would've liked them to, and some things that I was hoping to have resolved before 2017 was up still hang in the balance. Yet I'm still clinging to the hope that 2018 will be "MY YEAR"! I don't know what to expect or how things will turn out, but I am determined to live in the reality of my dreams and you should be too! I've also realized as I was led to do some research about "New Year's" compared to God's time table (i.e. His calendar), I discovered that in His eyes the "New Year" begins in the Spring two weeks before Passover. In 2018 it will be from the end of March to early April, this is the first New Year, but people of Jewish descent celebrate the New Year during the 7th month of the year in the Fall when the major feasts days occur (like Yom Kippur and Sukkot). I share all of this to witness to my fellow Christians out there because you may have been in the same boat as myself where you were hoping for God to wrap things up and breakthrough on your behalf before 2017 was over. Many people have put out videos and messages saying that God will do it before the year is up, but I believe based off of this information that they missed this crucial detail. As a Christian we move on God's time table and not according to the pagan calendar that we all have to submit to while functioning in society. So, the year isn't over yet! There is still time and God is moving mightily on the behalf of His people. And according to, they say that "(...) for most Christians, "New Year's Day" should be really celebrated in the Spring(...)"

Our society's Gregorian Calendar is based on pagan gods giving them reverence. Take for example this month, the month of January, which is in honor of Janus, the two-faced god of beginnings, transitions, ending, doorways, and time (among other things). He has two faces because he looks forward and backwards (into the past and the future). Everything associated with New Year's celebration pays homage to him whether you're aware or not. Now, I'm not trying to step on toes or force anyone to do anything, but it does bring to the table that we all need to do our research. God's people perish for a lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). It's really convicting to recognize God's time table/calendar and to be partaking with something that doesn't give Him honor, but a false god. And putting Jesus' Name on it doesn't rectify the reality of the matter. But I'm just the messenger. I leave it between you and God to come to terms with the truth and decide whether or not you'll still participate in the celebration. Personally, I know how hard it is because people don't understand right off the bat and they think you're taking it too seriously, but it's serious to God. We want Him to care about our desires and interest, but can give two cents how feels about a matter?

All-in-all, whatever your "resolutions" are for 2018, stick with your chops, commit, and embrace this year (and every day for that matter) as your time to "get it right" and "get things done"! Every step that you make in pursuing your dream, goal, etc is a step worth taking that will pay off later on. When I began to exercise daily back in 2011 I didn't keep track of how many calories I ate or how many calories I burned. I didn't want to become consumed/obsessed with dieting, but instead I was pursuing a healthy lifestyle that would pay off in the long run and it has! Since 2011, I have dropped at least 25-30 lbs and maintain a healthy weight. I went from a size 9 to a size 4-6. I enjoy working out and I can really get into it. Sometimes life interrupts my routine, but I stick with it and I am adamant about being as healthy as I can be.

Another example of pursuing a goal/dream is this Blog. "Aesthetic" is my baby! I have big plans for this upon expansion and in the future it will be the name of my screenwriting firm. I am already envisioning how I want to revamp this Blog once it gains traction and to add my own original music for your listening pleasure. But for now, I have to embrace where it's at and despise not the day of small beginnings (Zechariah 4:10). I've stepped out on a dream and this is what I am able to do right now in my own strength to help promote my talents as an Actress, Singer, Writer, Model, Blogger; while also sharing my "aesthetic" with all of you in hopes that it will inspire you (and add a little something to help improve your own personal "aesthetic")!

Take your goals (and yourself) seriously for in doing so, it will be the start (or end) of a great year for you!




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