Where do I even begin? It's been a while since I last shared a post and made a vlog. I've been working on the front lines in a unique way; not as a doctor, nurse, or in a grocery store, but as apart of the recovery support staff at a local Christian shelter. This pandemic has tested all of us, yet I've had the ability to witness how it is effecting those in the addiction/recovery community. It took some time (and a close encounter with the virus possibly being present on campus) for the residents in the shelter's program to finally realize the magnitude of this global pandemic. Thus, at the end of the day, I've been very tired and somewhat stressed. The main question that we‘re all thinking about day after day is "when will this all end?". In my mind, there is no "back to normal". This is our new normal as we move forward with adjusting to life after Covid-19. I've even heard news reporters call this interesting period of time that we're in as the "Covid-Era". I was hoping that somehow the Coronavirus would faze out (or at least get under control like how medical experts were able to tame the Ebola virus as well as H1N1 in the years prior to now). Those viruses didn't shutdown the economy; causing most of us to be unfazed by their existence.

BBut for now, (as we wait to discover what our governors will decide to do when it comes to reopening the American economy), we have to keep ourselves preoccupied while staying #alonetogether within our homes. When I'm off, I plan how I will spend my days so that I will be equally productive and well rested. I give myself one whole day of doing nothing pre-planned so I don't overwhelm myself in having to get my checklist completed. I don't set an alarm and I rest for as long as my body needs to. Sometimes our minds and our souls can be tired. Sleeping-In tends to get a bad wrap, but I think it can be necessary from time to time in order to stay rested, relax, and to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The body is know for repairing and healing itself during the sleeping process.
So with all of that being said, I wanted to share some of the things that I do to stay productive and preoccupied while indoors; elevating your #aesthetic.
My Time Well Spent

I don't have "hobbies". Whenever I do anything, I completely throw myself into it and become passionate about it. I classify my overall work ethic as #passionate. I use to be a perfectionist, but now that I'm more mature, more patient, and more laid back; I'm mostly concerned with doing the best that I can regardless of what that may be. I play guitar (finger-picking good), I'm studying the art of belly dancing, I'm editing my scripts, je etudie a parle francais (I'm studying to speak French), and making time to maintain my blog as well as my YouTube channel. My agent has also worked with me on mock auditions through self-taping to sharpen my auditioning skills. And on top of all of that, I'm memorizing new monologues for auditions and doing vocal exercises to keep my singing voice in tip-top shape. Now, I'm unable to do all of these in one day. Yet, day after day I work on these skills and I feel like I'm adamantly being productive while becoming a better person. All of these skills demand focus, patience, attention to detail, and dedication.

Sometimes, I feel like I'm homeschooling myself and these are my extracurricular activities. I purchased an office calendar that hangs on my bedroom closet door; outlining what I plan to work on from day-to-day. These activities also help me to not solely rely on YouTube, Crackle, Netflix, or any other entertainment provider for a movie-quick-fix. If I watch too much TV then I feel like I haven't done anything that challenges my mind or sharpens my overall ability. That's also why I enjoy watching suspense/thriller films. These types of movies enable me to think ahead as I also try to understand what is happening. It's like playing a detective as I keep my eyes open for any foreshadowing-motifs and plot twists that are thrown into the mix of the story that's playing out on my screen.

I'm also staying in touch with family/friends, reading, cooking, and exercising. If I could do my job from home then I would be working remotely as well. My position demands that I help the residents with accountability as they work towards independent living. But it's amazing that we live in a time where we can stay connected in such unique ways. What if we didn't have the technological ability to interact during this pandemic? I think people would feel more alone and isolated. Through the news and social media we're able to see that we‘re all #inthistogether; enabling us to relate with one another. And I hope that this very post helps everyone in a similar way.

This can be the time for you to start that thing you've always wanted to do. I think this can be a very valuable moment where time is spent wisely while waiting. If it be reorganizing your home, cleaning up, writing, or anything else; this can be your time to begin it. As a writer, this whole pandemic has already sparked my imagination in writing scripts that highlight what we're all experiencing. This virus has brought out the best and worst of people, but overall there's a sense of #hope that can't be put asunder. We will #overcome this "Covid-Era". We will crossover to the other side. And we will look back at this period in history with a sense of strength and appreciation. We will never forget the lives lost and sacrificed. We will never forget those on the #frontlines!
So as you continue to self-isolate at home during this time of waiting; make it worth your while and make it count. Continue to work on yourself-improvement and find the courage to be a self-starter; maximizing every moment you're given.
