It’s been a long time since I’ve published a new post, but I’m back! I’ve been covering shifts at work; even working a double at times. I’m also working on some personal things which have caused me to not have time to blog and vlog. Once I get home from work, I’m spent. And there are times where I can’t work on my brand while at work because it gets that hectic. But with that being said, I’m adamant about sharing one new post and video each week; elevating your #aesthetic!

I chose to title this post “WHAT NOW?” because I believe that’s how we all feel at this current moment. I don’t have children yet, but the women that I work with at the shelter are in the position of being teachers to their children when they have online schooling a few days out of the week. There are kids that can’t go to school because they can’t keep their masks on all the time. Then there’s our country’s economy that has been crushed by the current pandemic. I myself have been on a few interviews where the employers have been delayed in the hiring process because of cases that have developed in the area, changing guidelines by the CDC, and so on. This saying is like beating a dead horse, but it’s true: 2020 isn’t what we hoped it would be.
The entire world has been living in the unknown for the past 5 months; wondering and waiting. We’re continuing to adjust to the #newnormal, but it’s still a process nonetheless. And that’s besides the ongoing protests against police brutality, the politics of the upcoming presidential election, and the denial of financial aid as #covid19 carries on. It feels as if we’re all in limbo; waiting for the other shoe to drop eventually.

I mean, who really would’ve thought that #facemasks would be the top trend of 2020?

When it comes to my brand, (like I stated prior) I will be publishing one new post and video once a week. This will enable me to stay connected while balancing my work-life as well. My brand is also undergoing its own transformation as I work on my acting and music in my free-time. I’m going to share more of my art on my YouTube channel as well as promoting my brand on #socialmedia to reach a wider audience! Now more than ever it’s up to us individually to create our own opportunities to make things happen! That can look like a million different things such as your living room becoming a classroom or your bedroom turning into a rehearsal studio!

Either way, what matters the most right now is that we don’t lose #hope. Hope that everything somehow and someway will work out in the end. I #believe that GOD has a way of confirming whether you’re in the right place or not. We have to remain patient, hold on, and continue to hope as we weather the storm of this ongoing #pandemic.

Regardless of your situation and what you have going on in your life; my hope is that you’re able to find time for yourself where you can stay true to who you are. It’s easy to get caught up in the hype of negative news and opinions. Allow hope to be your #superpower right now as you navigate the craziness of our current culture. When all is said and done, we’ll be able to say that we have #overcome.
Continue to follow me on #socialmedia and #subscribe to my channel: Mariah Franklin aka Child where I share more relevant and inspiring content.

Until next time: