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~Draw Near~

Writer's picture: Mariah FranklinMariah Franklin

Updated: Apr 17, 2018

Sometimes we can get caught up with the daily demands of life that we feel like we never have time to focus on what's most important. Life is unpredictable and things can alter at a moment's notice! But this doesn't work as a constant excuse with GOD. Putting Him off only leads to more distance coming in between you and Him. This is exactly what satan wants in order to keep you from walking in GOD'S Purpose for your life so that you will not fulfill your Destiny. Today, I'm going to share how I #drawnear to Father GOD, to JESUS, to HOLY SPIRIT, in hopes that it will inspire and encourage you to press into His Presence.


When I meet with GOD, I like to call it our "Tent of Meeting" because that is where He and Moses would meet in a tent outside the general camp as outlined in Exodus 33:7-11 (KJV). This was established so Moses could inquire of The LORD on the behalf of the (Israelite) people. On a normal day, I meet with GOD in the morning after having Breakfast. I like to give Him at least an hour where I can spend time with Him in a combination of prayer and praise. If I don't have plans or goals that I have to attend to for the day then I spend more time with Him. GOD desires to have a beautiful, healthy, and productive relationship with every one He created. He proved this by giving us His Son, JESUS (John 3:16). Personally, I acknowledge The HOLY TRINITY at the same time/all at once! They are the GODHEAD: 3 in 1. We pray to GOD in JESUS Name and are filled with His HOLY SPIRIT Who is the "Revealer of Truth"; revealing to us the Will of The Father as we worship Him in Spirit and in Truth (John 4). This is just my way of showing reverence to Them all acknowledging Their Presence in my life. But setting time aside in your daily routine is vital and crucial to being in right standing with GOD in order to maintain a healthy relationship with JESUS. When I'm really busy or have plans then I plan to pray before I leave the house (ideally for half an hour if time permits and the minimum being 15 minutes). When I return later on or before I go to bed that night I meet with GOD again to pray and/or praise Him.


When I pray, I start by simply being honest with GOD. I share my heart with Him and HOLY SPIRIT leads me into prayer by inspiring me with what to pray. Sometimes I will be praising The LORD singing along with music and HOLY SPIRIT will tell me to pray the inspiring words to the song over my situation or a loved one. As I have grown in my prayer life, I have noticed the increase of Spiritual Warfare where I MUST combat the enemy and demonic activity by rebuking them in JESUS' Name. As believers and loyal followers of JESUS, we have authority to utilize the power of His Triumphant Name to defeat the enemy putting his plans asunder (Luke 10:17-19, KJV). As led by HOLY SPIRIT, sometimes I intercede for loved ones going through difficult situations. It's obviously a demonic attack because the Spirit realm is real, more powerful, and permeates the natural realm that we experience with our carnal senses. When I am being attacked then I fight the fight of Faith and I submit to GOD letting the devil know that He can't have his way with me for I am a "child" of The Most High GOD (The One True GOD). When wrong thinking creeps into my mind (which is a demon trying to influence me/you), I act on 2 Corinthians 10:5 casting down false imaginations that try to exalt themselves above the knowledge of GOD. My point in sharing all of this is to highlight that prayer is the time to come boldly before the throne of GOD in JESUS' Name to pray into His perfect Will for your life (Hebrews 4:16, John 14:15-17, John 15:7-11); humbling yourself before Him in repenting of your sins, being honest with Him by expressing the concerns of your heart, and asking for His help to strengthen/guide you (while also standing in the gap and being vigilant against demonic activity satan has assigned to hinder you from growing in your relationship with GOD, with JESUS, and with HOLY SPIRIT- Ephesians 6:10-18)


GOD inhabits the praises of Israel (Psalm 22:3) and His saints since we are all one in CHRIST JESUS grafted in by Faith under the New Covenant (Galatians 3:26-28). Like I noted before in my pursuit of daily drawing near to The LORD, I praise and/or pray. I praise Him because He is worthy of it. He deserves it. There are so many things that GOD does for us that we either don't realize or easily take advantage of. The small things aren't so small when they get attacked by a disease or sickness. As Paul stated in Philippians 4: 11-12, he knows how to be content regardless of his circumstances because GOD is good all the time and all the time GOD is good! He is able to change your situation literally #overnight

Read about it in 2 Kings 6:24-33 straight into 2 Kings 7:1-20 where GOD fulfilled His Word #literally hours later!!! And another word for overnight is #sudden/#suddenly because GOD is the GOD of suddenly! That is my favorite part about the passage of scripture I just suggested for you to study; doubt was expressed "(...)what should I wait for The LORD any longer?(...)might this thing be?(2 Kings 6:33, 7: 2, KJV) but nevertheless GOD showed Himself strong in the situation revealing that He is indeed #worththewait

And when you honor GOD by praising Him by Faith before you see Him "do it" then He will move on your behalf (Hebrews 11:6).


Finally, to wrap things up in having one-on-one time with The LORD, I meditate on His Word. We are commanded as followers of JESUS to "Study to shew thyself approved unto GOD(...)" as it is written in 2 Timothy 2:15, KJV. How can we say we love GOD and believe in JESUS but never spend time in reading His Word? How do you expect the power of GOD to manifest in your life (on the daily) if you don't meet with Him? What you reap is what you sow and if you give GOD no time then He will not move mountains on your behalf. Don't be that fig tree when it comes to your relationship with JESUS (Matthew 21:18:22), bear fruit (John 15:1-2)! Worship GOD in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:23)! Seek Him while He may be found (Isaiah 55:6, Jeremiah 29:13)

Spending time in the Word of GOD also trains us to know His commandments thus becoming familiar with His voice. This gives you discernment to know when GOD is speaking to you through His HOLY SPIRIT or when it's not GOD, but some demonic entity (sent by satan) trying to lead you astray into temptation. I've heard stories from people's mouths about them acting upon a suggestion that they thought was of GOD and it was straight from the pits of hell because these people did not know the Word of GOD to discern that GOD would never ask them to do those deplorable things!

When you read, call on HOLY SPIRIT to give you wisdom and discernment so that you will understand the scriptures (James 1:5). If you have questions, pray, asking GOD what does a verse or passage of scripture mean then wait for HOLY SPIRIT to reveal the answer to you. Sometimes, you will receive an immediate response and on some occasions you will have to wait but when you get the answer you will know.

GOD has a beautiful way of speaking to His children! Personally, it causes me to get chocked up because He speaks to me in so many different ways (all because I am sensitive to His Spirit through spending time with Him in these 3 ways)!

I hope this has blessed your spirit and challenges you to go deeper in your walk with JESUS. This is the place to start especially if you are looking for GOD'S hand to move on your behalf in your situation/circumstances. When you put GOD first then He will put you first (causing things to shift in your favor). He loves us and He wants you to seek Him, call on His Name, trust in His wonder-working power, and believe that He is able; with Him ALL things ARE possible (Luke 1:37)!

process of a breakthrough:

1. repent

2. humble yourself before GOD

3. stop participating in all known sin (getting drunk, fornication, etc.)

4. forgive those who have hurt/offended you and let JESUS heal you (if you can't forgive then GOD can't forgive you of your sins- Matthew 6:14-15, KJV)

5. pray GOD'S Word into your situation (I am the head and not the tail, by JESUS stripes I am healed, my cup runs over, The LORD is on my side whom shall I fear?, etc)

6. know that GOD can do it how He wants to do it (so let Him by surrendering to His Will)

7. believe by Faith that GOD will show up for you

8. praise Him in advance

9. love others and celebrate their breakthroughs like you're literally next in line (if He did it for them then He can certainly do it for you)

10. pray without ceasing until it happens because you are contending for your breakthrough (satan doesn't want you to get it as he tries to block your breakthrough, but persistent prayer with Faith in GOD #wearshimout)

11. stand, stand, and keep standing

Prayer of salvation:

Romans 10:9-10 King James Version (KJV)
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

If you aren't in a relationship with JESUS and want to be in right standing with GOD, then pray the following prayer aloud:

JESUS, I believe in You. I call upon Your Name to save me. I acknowledge that I am a sinner, but I believe in the power of Your Name to set me free. Forgive me, JESUS, for everything I have done, cleanse me from all of my sins, and make me whole. I believe that You are the Son of GOD, sent by Him to die for my sins, and that You have resurrected unto Eternal Life so that I can be with You and our Father forever. Give me a new heart and the mind of You. Make me new and use me as You see fit. Deliver me from generational curses and cleanse my bloodline. Deliver me from all demonic strongholds that have kept me in bondage and that have separated me from You. Amen.
Thank you Father GOD for Your Son and for the gift of salvation through Him. Baptize me in Your HOLY SPIRIT so that I can continue to grow as I walk with You and study Your Word. Help me through Your HOLY SPIRIT to obey You and to hear Your voice. In JESUS Name I pray, Amen.

Welcome to the family of god in christ jesus!!!

Luke 15:10, (KJV)
Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth -JESUS



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