There's nothing quite cozy as having a warm cup of lemon water before going to bed! I was introduced to this detox staple a couple years back through some friends that were offering it at an event and soon I began to run into it more frequently as it was being provided at cafes, etc. When I was taking a break from coffee, I would make a glass in the morning and it's just as refreshing. I personally prefer to have a glass at night before bed because it's very relaxing. When I do lemon detox, I don't brush my teeth because doing so (with the citric acid from the lemon still present on teeth) breaks down your enamel. It is suggested to wait a while after drinking lemon water, rinse your mouth with plain water, then brush your teeth.
Lemon water is not an "aesthetic" that should be constant in your routine, but it is nice to enjoy here and there, especially after a long day or after work where you can't have a drink(s) (because you have to be at work early the following morning) yet you still want a little something to help you relax from any tension or stress.
According to Dr. Sara Solomon (dentist and oxygenmag.com blogger among other achievements) "a routine consumption of lemon juice will ERODE your enamel(...)"
Many people are loyal lemon water drinkers because of the benefits it provides with a plethora of vitamins, cleaning out your system, and it assists with weight loss. But it's not worth losing your teeth over!
When it comes to preparation, some squeeze half of a lemon into their water or the whole lemon, while personally I prefer to cut the lemon into slices and put a couple into my hot water. If you use my preferred method I would suggest not to reuse the lemon slices to further protect your teeth. Rinse off the lemon before slicing it and you can either heat up a mug of water in your microwave (2 minutes) or (preferred) heat up your water in a tea kettle; then squeeze the lemon juice or place the slices within the heated water and sip away.
I also like to have a serving before exercising, sort of like the total package: detox, stretch, workout. It feels good to take care of your body and the endorphins released after doing so gives one a natural buzz of energy. Now is a great time to try out this detox especially after the holiday feasts that have taken place with Thanksgiving last month and Christmas just days ago; this will clean out your system and help prep you for 2018 as you attempt again to tackle those infamous "New Year's Resolutions" (LOL)!
Below are links to more information on "Lemon Water Detox" for your consideration: