Today, I want to rant about the lack of opportunities in general! As a Black American woman, it’s been very difficult trying to get my foot through the proverbial door. I’m an actress, writer, singer, model, and blogger. As an actress, it’s hard in general to break into the industry. There’s no clean cut way to make your mark. Some people are pointed out immediately from obscurity while others pound the pavement for years (even decades) before they finally get noticed! It’s ironic how some things fall into place for others while some of us struggle. I don’t want to complain or stand on a soap box, but it is frustrating nonetheless.

Recently, I applied for a Fellowship with a major Television Network and the process for submission was nothing but #drama! It took me almost 2 whole hours to apply because the website made a technical error. I was emailing and making calls all for someone to figure out the situation so I could apply for the opportunity. Finally, the error was addressed and I could finish my application. Ironically, the error was instantly fixed the moment I hung up the phone from leaving the site an aggravated voice message. I share this story because in the heat of the moment it brought back every single time I have busted my hump searching for an opportunity to advance myself. It was a reminder of my hustle. The moment provoked me and set me off. It felt like I was being blocked from trying to accomplish a goal! I prayed and pleaded that GOD would resolve the issue, and He did. Like I said, it just gets so frustrating when you’ve been going at it for soooo long and you feel like you’re not getting anywhere.

It’s hard to see through the fog sometimes. It looks almost as if there’s no way things will change or get better. But, it will. There’s the hope of making it to the other side; having a sense of gratitude mixed with relief that all of your hard work prior was never in vain. You will also feel like a stronger person because of it.
Until then, I will continue to do what I can in my own strength. My desire is to create as many opportunities as I possibly can for other underdogs who have been in my position.
It feels like when some people advance in life that they have not a second thought about helping others. They’ve made it, so they’re straight. But as for me, there’s no way that I can simply move forward into success and forget everything that I have endured to get there. I would only feel worthy to have what I’ve obtained by sharing it with others (who desire to make a better life for themselves and their families).

To me, a true artist is one who can’t throw in the towel and give up on their passion for the sake of self preservation. We have free will and we can do anything, but for me, my passion will not relent. My passion will not let me give up on my dreams. My motto is that I will keeping hustling until I die! I’d rather die trying then to give up because it’s hard or it seems like I’m not breaking ground (another motto of mine: "if it's not GOD'S Will for me then He won't establish it"). We must create the opportunities that we can’t find! This blog is one way I have gone about creating an opportunity. This is my virtual portfolio that I can share with potential clients and job opportunities; highlighting my writing and my personality.
In 2011, I held a staged reading of my first play “Biracial” in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. A director-friend of mine directed the actors that we cast for the performance. There were about 70 people in attendance to watch the performance. It was a success as the audience gave us all positive feedback. I also had a friend that worked for an online magazine and she posted a promotional advertising the event. This opportunity gave the actors involved a credit to add to their budding resumes!
Whatever challenges your facing when it comes to pursuing an endeavor, I challenge you to take the bold step in creating your own opportunity! You can start small and watch over time how it evolves into something unexpected. We can’t wait for opportunities to find us, we have to go out and make them. Don’t give up and don’t relent. And don’t let your circumstances determine your future. You have the power to turn your situation around.
YOU are your greatest opportunity!
