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Blog Marketing 101

Writer's picture: Mariah FranklinMariah Franklin

Updated: Dec 3, 2018

Blogging isn't just writing a post that provides relevant content to readers; consisting of research, personal insight, and eye-catching graphics. Blogging is also being able to properly market what you're promoting from post to post. Bloggers want people to read what they're writing and for it to be shared. For this to happen, bloggers, need to know how to distribute their product to as many people as possible. Living in the world that we inhabit today, it isn't hard to get started! I have watched my social media profiles grow over the past 8-9 months as a result of marketing this blog. Below I break down the steps that I took to market AESTHETIC: The Art of Me in hopes that it will assist you as you go about promoting your blog, posts, website, etc. I didn't read any blogging books and I don't think I can write the book (right now anyways) on what it takes to level up your blog. At the end of November it will be 1 year that I have been blogging and every time I construct a post I learn something new that I didn't know before. It's a "blogging journey". Everyone's is different and unique to who they are. We glean from one another and I'm hoping that that is what you will do from this post. I believe that these are also great tools for anyone who wants to market their career, business, event, or whatever it is that you have to endorse!


#10. Graphics, Graphics, Graphics!

You don't have to be certified by a college to be your own graphic designer! There are so many online resources and apps that enable everyone to create vibrant designs that will draw attention to any post published. When it comes to how to design a graphic that promotes your post, you honestly just have to go with the flow. Peruse the layouts available on the site/app of your choice and choose one. Then let your creativity take flight as you create catchy titles and inspiring quotes that are inviting; drawing people to your blog. I suggest using vibrant colors that pop. Black and white images can be edgy, but they aren't popular posts every single day (that would comes off as depressing). Choose images that people can relate to and are associated with everyday life. Graphics like these draw people to your post as they become interested in what you have to say on the topic you're discussing. My go-to (that I hands-down recommend) for designing graphics is!

#9. Social Media

Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. Whatever platform your profile is on, be sure to post your graphics not only in your blog post, but also on your social media. This method of marketing is magnetic; drawing people to follow your profile and to ultimately check out your blog. This is just a taste of what your blog has to offer and is usually what most people see first before they visit your blog.

#8. Hashtags

Use as many as you can think of that relates to your post (i.e. the more the merrier)! Instagram gives you a limit of how many hashtags you can use (as does Twitter). So when it comes to these platforms choose the ones that highlight your post the best. Most social media platforms show you how many times a hashtag has been used. I suggest going with the most popular hashtags to attract more people to your post and blog. This is the main tactic I have utilized to grow my followers on Instagram from 70-200 in a matter of months!

#7. Once A Day

Don't drop the ball when it comes to promoting your blog! If you're a newbie like me, doing all of the work (writing posts, promoting, creating graphics, research, etc.), then you can't afford to not post regularly. If you are serious about growing your subscribers list and generating traffic then you can't slack. It's okay to skip a day, but don't go a whole week without endorsing your blog. I have read job requirements for several well established blogs that hire bloggers to write for them and this is one of the tasks (promoting the blog in fresh relevant ways daily). This technique is to keep your blog present in the mind of the public. I like to post at Noon (12 pm) because this is lunch time/brunch time where most people are free to check their social media and peruse what's published on their feeds. I try not to post late at night unless it's a selfie or some other personal picture, but not a graphic that promotes my blog. Find time each day to post a new graphic/image that creatively conveys your blog/brand. This keeps the public mindful of what you have to offer; showcasing that you not only have style, but that you're diligent also!

#6. Family & Friends

Ask those closest to you to help in the effort of promoting your blog. They can simply share your posts on their social media profiles; showcasing your post to another pool of people that may be interested in your insight and research. The more that you can get your content to more people, the better it is in gaining more traffic for your blog (thus leading to more subscribers).

#5. Business Cards

These come in handy when you're at an event networking, or when you meet someone new while running an errand, or at the airport awaiting your flight. Just like the graphics that you create to promote your blog and posts; create a business card that represents your blog properly. I suggest creating a logo for your blog that you can use on the back of your card. Logos are eye-catching designs that solidify your brand and causes it to stand apart. Logos give your blog an image that defines its character; displaying to the public what you're all about and attracting their interest.

#4. Follow Similar Bloggers

Search social media for bloggers that create content similar to yours and follow them. There have been bloggers that have begun to follow me and when I check out their profiles I realize that we blog about similar topics; thus causing me to follow them in return. Humans influence one another. Stay relevant with what other bloggers in your forte are posting. I believe that they will inspire you as you continue on your "blogging journey". You can also observe their profiles and blogs to discover what marketing techniques work for them; utilizing those same tactics for your blog.

#3.Posters & Flyers

Print off some of those graphics that you have created; putting them up in your fave cafe and around your neighborhood! This is an easy way to promote your blog to the public. If you live in NYC then I also suggest placing your posters/flyers in the subway stations that you frequent to get more eyes aware of your blog. I recommend that you add your social media handles to your poster graphics before printing them off. Also give some copies to your family/friends to pass out and put up to help further spread the word on your blog!

#2. Relevant Research

In order to keep people engaged with your blog, you must provide relevant content that is precise and essential. Writing on topics about what most people need or are interested in is a sure way at keeping a constant flow of traffic to your blog. There is room to write about your interests and personal opinion, but I would suggest being strategic with how and when you do. I like to do my research on a topic that is of interest to most and then at some point in the post I give my two cents on the subject; making it informative yet relatable. When doing your research, be sure to also cite your sources. List the links to the articles you have read (in gleaning information for your post); showing respect for those bloggers who have gone before you in outlining the information that you are using.

#1. Word of Mouth

Simply talk about it! When someone asks you about what you're working on (and/or when you are introduced to someone new); talk about your blog and what it's all about. This is great practice to help you become more comfortable with discussing your blog, why you blog, and the purpose of your blog. When you are confident and serious about your blog/brand/business then others will take note of that and take it seriously as well. Confidence is key and confidence is attractive (not just romantically, but also socially). Don't overwhelm people by talking their ears off! Simply highlight the name of your blog, what you mainly blog about, and then slip them one of your business cards for them to check it out in their spare time. Also encourage people to follow you on social media to stay connected with what you're doing. As a bonus tip, it doesn't hurt to offer a "follow for follow" during the exchange!

For more information on all things blogging and/or brand marketing, check out these links:



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