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Writer's picture: Mariah FranklinMariah Franklin

So, awhile ago while I was doing some searching online (looking for inspiration for my next post), I came across the trend of women lathering their faces with shaving cream and going at it like men; actually shaving their faces! This was news to me (and I think I’m a few years behind), but I couldn’t fathom it. 

Personally, as I entered my twenties, I began to notice random unwanted hairs in awkward places such as my chin and the sides of my face. I tried various methods to rid myself of the stubbornly short hairs such as Nair for your face, but it wasn’t enough to uproot the hairs. I use to dry shave the pesky hairs, but I don’t recommend that method as it leaves your skin dry and causes irritation that produces bumps. It also will cause your skin to become coarse and not soft/smooth overtime if you continue to do it (use vitamin E oil if this has happened to you). 

Now, when it comes to shaving your face like a man (razor and shaving cream), I don’t recommend this either. There are women who have embraced it wholeheartedly and they have expressed that it works for them. My fear is that shaving your face this way will cause you to develop a “five o’ clock shadow”; even though totally debunked the myth by consulting a dermatologist (exposing that waxing and/or shaving the hair from your face will only cause your hair to continue to grow in at the same rate with the same thickness). 

Still, there must be a simpler way to remove facial hair. Lathering your face with shaving cream and what not sounds time consuming. 

There are permanent ways to free yourself completely from the facial hair drama, but of course they’re all on the expensive side (such as laser hair removal and you have to return multiple times for treatment before it’s actually effective). 

About a month or so ago, I was anxious to purchase a product that I saw on one of those “As Seen On TV” commercials called “Flawless Finishing Touch”. It looks like a tube of lipstick, but it’s actually an electric razor that supposedly removes every unwanted hair on your face, pain free, and so on. I couldn’t wait to buy it because it seemed like an easy way to free myself from facial hair. I even researched where I could find the product that presented itself as a miracle! But, after reading reviews on, my bubble was popped. Many women chimed in agreement that the product wasn’t what is was cracked up to be. It irritated the skin of some causing them to break out or it didn’t remove all of the hair from their faces. For $20, it wasn’t worth the risk!

Fortunately there is a simpler and cheaper way to handle this dilemma. There are eyebrow razors that women have been using instead to tackle nasty stubborn hairs upon their faces. These razors are not too sharp providing protection for your face when you go after those hairs and you only have to shave two times a week (depending on how fast your hair grows back). For me, I shave only a couple of times a week. The mustache area grows back faster than the small hairs on my cheek and the sides of my face. The eyebrow razors are easy to use. They comes in different sizes and I prefer the ones that have a longer razor and a slanted edge because they appear to remove more hair and are easier to utilize than the smaller eyebrow razors (yet those still work as well). 

Before I shave, I wash my face and dry it off with my face towel, then I tackle the hairy areas on my face (such as my cheeks, under my chin, in between my eyebrows, mustache area, etc.). Once I’m done, I moisturize my face (vitamin E oil/Pond’s anti-wrinkle cream/cocoa butter), and that completes the process. I like to do this at night so it’s one less thing I have to do when I’m getting myself ready in the morning. 

For your consideration, I recommend that you checkout this YouTube video from PopSugar that got me hooked to the trend of using eyebrow razors to remove my facial hair. 

And here is a link where you can purchase eyebrow razors (sent straight to your door)!




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