The Greek poet, Homer, called olive oil "liquid gold"!
When it comes to basic essentials that are an absolute necessary within every household; OLIVE OIL is at the top of the list. From cooking to conditioning and everything else in between, olive oil, contains a chalk-load of vital properties that practically make it a miracle product (or at least the closest we'll get to such a thing)! So let's crack open a bottle and discover all that olive oil has to offer!
Now, while searching online in preparation for this post, I came across a trend that has roots in Southern European culture as well as being a major staple in the "Mediterranean Diet" and that is "drinking olive oil"! Personally, I've never heard of such a thing until recently and the thought isn't too appetizing, but according several websites the method is beneficial to one's health especially pertaining to weight loss. One such website is thealternativedaily.com, where they reveal that "An average, Italians and Spaniards consume about 13 liters of olive oil per person per year." And they also highlight that there are six benefits of taking a shot of olive oil; noting that starting your day with a dose will prevent mid-morning hunger due to the oleic acid in olive oil that has a satiating effect (slowing down the absorption of other nutrients) causing you to feel fuller longer. I suggest checking out the link to their website below on how to incorporate the "aesthetic" into your morning routine as they break down how to drink olive oil for beginners.
But if "drinking olive oil" isn't your thing, there are other ways to implement it into your lifestyle so you can partake of the benefits that it has to offer. Some of those benefits include the following:
~Contains Vitamin E that supports healthy skin
~Fights inflammation that is thought to be the driver behind many diseases
~Helps prevents Strokes
~Healthline.com exposes that "Olive oil contains many nutrients that can inhibit or kill harmful bacteria."
(And that's just naming a few of the benefits!)
I have personally used olive oil to moisturize my face and to condition my scalp. When conditioning my scalp: I pour a generous amount into the palm of my hand, rub my hands together, and then I massage the oil into my scalp. Some suggest placing a shower cap over your head or wrapping a silk scarf over your hair for 15 minutes then rinse the olive oil out. I've done this method with and without the scarf. In my opinion, you gain the same results. And when I do decide to condition with olive oil, I do this method first so after I've washed the oil out I can then shower and shampoo my hair.
Olive oil is also utilized by many women as a "makeup remover". It's a little too messy for me, so I simply stick with makeup remover wipes. But, if you're low or you recently ran out of wipes then you can pour some olive oil on a cotton swab or tissue and wipe the products off of your face.
Olive oil's history is just as productive as the nutrients it has to offer! From ancient Israel, to Egypt, Babylon and Greece; olive oil was (and is) a treasured staple in virtually every culture (starting with these). Upon doing research, I discovered that the Greeks in ancient times used olive oil to condition their skin after bathing by lathering themselves in it generously. In the Hebrew and Christian Faith, olive oil is symbolic of "anointing" (to smear oil upon someone to designate that GOD has chosen them for a particular purpose) and "new beginning"(origin from the account of Noah and his ark i.e. Genesis chapters 6-9).
The process of extracting the oil from olives is a 4-part process that consists of "cleaning the olives", "grinding the olives into paste", "malaxing the paste (big word for mixing)", and finally "separating the oil from the vegetable water and solids". All of this to produce the final product that we purchase every so often to support a variety of needs that make life a little bit easier.

The great part about olive oil is that no man is left behind! Men (and women) are also using olive oil to shave their face, legs, and wherever else to conditioning the skin protecting it from razor burn. Lifehacker.com breaks down the advantages of using olive oil in lieu of name brand/commercial shaving cream(s) (one of which being the cost).
"For the Love of Olive Oil": I could go on and on and on, but I can't wait to get my hands on some olive oil to implement these methods into my daily "aesthetic". I hope this post has encouraged you to do the same (or at least take it into consideration) instead of just drizzling it on your side salad!