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Live Your Life!

Writer's picture: Mariah FranklinMariah Franklin

It's an interesting yet amazing time to be alive! It feels like we are at the cusp of something rare. To be living in such a period during history where technology is at its height. Information is available everywhere at all times; right at our finger tips. I have an entrepreneurial spirit where I desire to be very hands-on; creating and doing things on my own. In a sense it feels like I'm trying to prove myself, but aren't we all?

This notion also crosses over into my everyday life. There is the life that I want to live and then there's society's perspective (and people's individual opinions) on how everyone should live (that contradicts my own). We see this time and time again with the shifting of cultural viewpoints from generation to generation.

It's as if everyone is suppose to follow the same formula in order to live a fulfilling life. My case in point is the stereotype of college after high school, a job after college, date, marry, have kids, retire at 50, etc. It's easier said than done because no one can fathom the spontaneous events and circumstances that Life will throw at you. We can't fathom the people that we will come in contact with and the situations that will sneak up on us; all of which cause a person to go in a particular direction. Everyone knows the difference between good and bad. We can either perpetrate bad decisions/choices or we can take the difficult moments of our lives and turn them around for good. We have to make the most of our lives while we're here! I share all of this because life isn't cookie-cutter. I have made "game plans" and thought of how I wanted my life to go, but I had no idea the series of events that would unfold.

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People have a tendency to judge others based off of where they're currently at in life; disregarding their potential. I have had people try to push different career paths on me because in their eyes my dreams and goals weren't working for them. But that is the thing: it's my life and not theirs. It's your life and not another persons. You have to follow your heart and pursue the goals that give you a reason to get up in the morning. Only you will have to live with the decisions and choices that you make concerning your life. I'm all about people pursuing their passions in life. Sometimes, pursuing our passions takes us down roads that twist and turn. These same roads can be very long; what I tend to call "tough terrain". But when you finally make it to the other side where you have reached your dream destination (and it does happen); you will feel such a sense of accomplishment that you never knew before!

All of the upsets, delays, and disappointments that hindered you from accomplishing your goals earlier on in life have worked together to make you the person you are today. I truly believe that it's all about being relatable; sharing your story with others to give them hope and encouragement. I always get chills when I hear stories of "underdogs" rising up and proving everyone wrong. Their accounts are inspiring; giving me hope for my own personal goals.

Where I'm at right now in life may seem unconventional and not ideal for others. I want to go back to school to eventually get my Doctorate in Fine Arts. I also want to start a family and work on a few projects as well. I'm a very passionate person (artist) who desires to do as much as possible. When it comes to time, I like to be very strategic; enabling me to work on more things. I tend to have a short attention span so I have to keep myself busy; juggling multiple things than just focus on one thing solely. But at the same time this drives me to create more opportunities and more open doors for more people.

All-in-all, I hope that this gives you the confidence that you need or the reassurance to walk your own path. Sometimes people mean well and sometimes they don't. You have to take everything with a grain of salt and stay true to your dreams. The only way a dream can truly come to pass is if you don't give up on it (regardless of what's going on in your life)! Maybe you want to start a family after you move to a new city or finish school. Maybe you don't want to go school at all and want to start your own business or brand. Maybe you would like to travel the world before you decide what it is you want to do as a career. Or maybe you want to change careers and start again. Whatever your path and whatever your dreams may be; stay true to who you are and don't let anyone dictate how you should live your life.

Sometimes, you have to believe in yourself before anyone else does.



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