It’s been a while since I’ve shared a new post! In my most recent #youtube videos, I share that AESTHETIC: The Art of Me is going in a new direction. I’m going to share my #locjourney and all that I discover along the way! Since I started my journey a little over two years ago; I’ve learned so much about my #naturalhair and how to care for it. Before I decided to take the plunge to #loc my hair; I binged watched other #locers #youtube videos. I listened to different people with the same hairstyle share their experiences as well as revealing the pros and the cons. Overall, what I realized was that everyone’s #locjourney is different. What may work for one person may not work for someone else. There are things that I used to implement into my #aesthetic that I no longer do anymore. From ways to make your starter locs bud faster to whether or not you should do an ACV rinse; I’ve just about tried every organic/natural trick that has been concocted concerning #locs.

I’m looking forward to sharing more about this beautiful hairstyle that is more than just a look. When your #locs grow, you grow as well! You get to witness your hair transform from month to month and from year to year in such a unique way. Some #locers believe that having #locs is also a spiritual journey. I think there is some truth to that belief. As you watch your hair transform, you’re also transforming as a person.
I’ve worn wigs, hairs pieces, extensions, and synthetic hair for years; since I was a preteen. Then I wore my hair short from my late teens until I was 27 when I began my #locjourney. Now, as I look at my hair two years later; I can see how much I’ve grown. Through selfies that document my journey thus far; I’m able to see what my hair can do when I leave it in its natural state (without forcing it to become something that it’s not). I’ve had split ends, damaged hair, and even went through a period of time where my edges were snatched (from when I got my hair dyed blonde)! Now, that I’m on my #locjourney, I feel like I’ve found myself. I’ve always had a sense of self, but I never considered having #locs before. I always wanted to grow out my natural hair, but like many people of color I didn’t know how to do that. I was raised on the tradition of getting my routine perm once a month. Without the creamy crack, I was clueless on how to care for my hair. I tried to wear my hair all natural with loose curls, but after I obtained a certain amount of length; my ends would break off as well as my edges!
Seeing how much my hair has transformed and grown; I can’t fathom having any other hairstyle. There are #locers who still wear wigs and weaves to have something new; taking a break from their natural hair. I’ve considered this, but I’ve been waiting for a long time to finally get my hair to grow. As an actress, I will continue to utilize wigs in order to get into character, but in my personal life I’m finally content. In finding a style that allows my natural hair to grow; I also found myself. And I’m satisfied!
Stay tuned for more content that will elevate your #aesthetic!
