I’m sharing the top 10 items of business that demand your attention! This #checklist is a guide that will help you navigate #adulting as a #millennial. It’s obvious to see that the more we mature, the more our priorities mature. I’m in my late twenties now. My perspective has changed drastically from when I was in my late teens and even early twenties. Looking back, I can see that there were times where I was naive, but at the same time I didn’t know better. I can say with assurance and confidence that I have grown and I continue to on a daily basis. I’m taking responsibility for my life; enabling me to design the #lifestyle that I’ve always wanted. The same goes for you as you move forward with your life; managing the day-to-day while pursuing your dreams!
So without further or do, let’s get right into it!

Bottom Line: your credit score is your calling card that enables you to navigate throughout life. From renting an apartment to owning a home or buying a car; your credit score dictates whether or not you’ll be approved to obtain such things. In my mind, it tells the bank, the car dealership, and/or landlord that you are financially competent. You’re able to manage your money and thus they are willing to trust you with the responsibility of making payments on-time. If you haven’t been paying much time to your credit score then I suggest that now is the best time for you to start doing so! You may feel like a Credit Karma commercial, but the sooner you make an effort to raise your score (and better manage your finances) then the sooner you’ll be able to create the lifestyle that you desire. It will take patience and time, but everything you do now effects you later on. So take the time to start today so you can benefit from it later on.

One way to raise your credit score is to apply for a credit card; preferably a secured credit card. Secured credit cards demand that you provide a deposit that will actually be your spending limit on your credit card. This is a great option for anyone applying for their first credit card in order to build their credit. These credit cards provide a safe boundary for the spender so you can’t go over your deposit limit. Another way to raise your score is to pay off past statement bills and to make future payments either early or on-time. It looks good on your credit score report when you make early payments; showing that you are responsible with your money. You’re showing that your adamant about making your payments. This may also encourage your credit card provider to approve upping the limit on your credit card in the future. If you have any loans then also start making payments on those as well. The more that you are able to pay down then the more your score will raise.

I use to think that I could just take money and set it aside in the house and not touch it. I’ve come to realize that that just isn’t so (for me that is). Some people are able to do this, but this #aesthetic doesn’t work for me. Having a savings account enables me to easily transfer money from my debit account each pay cycle. I can also do automatic transfers so I know how much will be deducted from each paycheck and deposited into my savings. Your savings account can be establish for any reason you choose; whether that be for living expenses, traveling, or an emergency fund. Either way, I think that having a savings shows that you want to be financially responsible. You’re thinking about your future and not just living for the moment.
It suggested that in order to save $$$$ properly, one should spend less than what they make! That may mean disciplining yourself when it comes to #shopping. Good things come to those who wait. So maybe those shoes you’ve been eyeing might have to take a back seat when it comes to your overall future and #lifestyle. Saving causes people to prioritize; focusing on what’s more important. I personally purchase from paycheck to paycheck. If there’s something that I’d like to buy then I Budget it into my next payday. This keeps me in-check so I don’t make impulsive purchases while it also satisfies my desire.


It’s time to start purchasing items of quality that will last. I used to shop at cheap fashion stores and waste money on cheap jewelry that couldn’t even last the rest of the year! Now, as a grown #millennial woman, I’m more in favor of quality pieces that can stand the test of time. I believe that investing in such pieces of jewelry and clothing are well worth it! I suggest purchasing well tailored items that are minimalistic in style such as blazers and jeans (as an example). These staples are always relevant, always trending. You want to have items that will never go out of style. I’m actually looking forward to the day that my daughters go through my closet(s) and ransack my clothing because it’s still relevant and chic! You don’t want to waste money on items that are extremely flashy and are a temporary trend. It will be hard to try to sell that item at a vintage store once the trend has come and gone!

Do your research when it comes to finding a place. Right now I’m looking at apartments in Pittsburgh. I do all of my artistic work there (auditions/acting/modeling/etc.) I’m wanting a place that has the utilities included in the rent so I know what to expect upfront. I’ve learned in my research that some neighborhoods are less expensive than others. Downtown Pittsburgh is more expensive because of its location as the heart of the city compared to Oakland where there are a lot of students attending Pitt or CMU. You don’t want to find one place and get locked into a year-long lease only to come across a better deal that would’ve saved you a lot of $$$$

Having fun doesn’t have to always consist of clubbing every weekend, drinking after work, or eating out every other day! I like live performances, concerts, theatre, etc. But I enjoy these on occasion. They make the moment special and unique from the everyday routine. I also enjoy hanging out with friends, hosting, or someone hosting me for dinner. Either way, you’re still able to be social without spending your entire paycheck to do so! Also, just think of the emotional distress you’ll be saving yourself from. Going out constantly adds up. Invest in outings that are actually worth it such as a concert or traveling.

Work on developing skills that can open doors of opportunities for you especially if you aren’t certified or have a degree. The more skills you have the more opportunities you can apply for. Some cities provide grants to applicants that are able to clearly convey their skill set and the plans that they have to contribute those skills to the community. Take a class in-person or online. You can even try learning a new language. Either way, invest in yourself; elevating your #aesthetic!

Think about your future and the life you want to live years from now (as well as the life you would like to provide for your children). All of these tips will work together to help pave the way to a better #lifestyle if you stick with it. You don’t want to look back in regret; thinking about what you should’ve done but didn’t do. A lot of #millennials are living frugally right now as they penny-pinch just so they can retire early. They’re thinking ahead and planning for the future that they want to have. Take the time to think about where you want to be and what you want to be doing within the next 10-20 years (as a start). What you do with your money should be focused around this. As a generation, we need to break the cycle and stop living from paycheck to paycheck.
Keep this checklist in mind in order to elevate your #aesthetic. And #subscribe to AESTHETIC: The Art of Me for more relevant #millennial posts!