We Americans, take this extraordinary blessing for granting! The blessing of clean water, available to us on a daily basis, is something that we shouldn’t turn a blind eye to. We shower in it, wash our hair with it, swim in it, drink it, wash our hands in it, and then some! With that being said, let’s get more acquainted and familiar with the benefits of water, it’s “wow-factor(s)”, and how we can use it to elevate our #aesthetic.
Weight Loss
According to Healthline.com, “Drinking plenty of water can help you lose weight.
This is due to the fact that water can increase satiety and boost your metabolic rate. The timing is important too, and drinking water half an hour before meals is the most effective. It can make you feel more full, so that you eat fewer calories.” Sometimes dehydration pains can feel like hunger pains. When you think you’re not full and need a supplemental snack after dinner it probably is your body telling you that you need water (not more food). This happens to me on occasion and when I drink a whole glass of water, I feel satisfied for the rest of the night.
Larry Kenney, PhD, a professor of physiology and kinesiology at Penn State shares with webmd.com that “Drinking fluids serves a range of purposes in our bodies, such as removing waste through urine; controlling body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure; and maintaining a healthy metabolism. Without it, the body begins to shut down(...)” Water is the recommended drink to have compared to coffee, sodas, and juices because these liquids contain sugar that leads to added calories. Balance what you want with what you need by being mindful of what you drink on a daily basis. Instead of having your third coffee, opt for a glass or bottle of water.
Healthy Hair
Water not only helps us to stay hydrated, enable us to not overeat, but it also effects the condition of our hair! Explainedhealth.com reveals that “Water is essential to cell growth and health, bringing nutrients to them and removing waste. When your body is dehydrated, it functions less efficiently, and can hinder hair growth and health.
Think of your hair like your skin. When you’re dry and chronically dehydrated, your skin can become dry, cracked and just not healthy looking. The same goes for your hair.”
As a woman with locs, I use a spray bottle with water to condition and style my hair in the morning when I get up. It’s a common notion amongst locers that using water in your hair is the equivalent of watering your live plants! You’re showing love and enabling both to grow healthy and strong. When done regularly it removes the need for spending $$ on name brand products.
There are more ways to utilize water than just drinking it. The simple act of bathing has more benefits for our overall health than we truly realize. Lifehack.org highlights that “Hot water opens our pores and causes us to sweat, which is the body’s natural way of cleansing itself. Similarly, cold water can tighten our skin and reduce sweating and open pores, whilst still providing optimal hydration.” Bathing also helps to improve your heart health, your overall breathing, and the condition of your brain and nervous system (along with a slew of other benefits).
Face Washing
There is a debate among dermatologist concerning whether or not people should use face cleansers or simply splash their face with warm water. It all comes down to your skin type and (in my personal opinion) your comfort level. I can understand the #aesthetic of just simply washing your face with water because in doing so the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles are reduced. Also, you won’t dry out your skin in the process. I have normal to oily skin so I will continue to use my face washing routine. It works for my skin and lifestyle, but I may consider “water only” on days when I’m not wearing makeup.