I'm excited to launch the debut of "Men's Monday" as a way of showing some love to all the fellas out there. I want my blog to have a little something for everyone. The first Post for this category will be focusing on some points for you to keep in mind as you pursue the woman of your dreams/continue to woo her (if she's already yours)!
It's no secret that every woman wants to be swept off her feet by a handsome prince that only has eyes for her. Unfortunately in today's world, a lot of women aren't even thinking about any of that because a lot of men aren't about that life (only concerned about themselves and their interests) or they do it for a period of time to gyp a woman into falling for him then they reveal who they really are dashing all hopes of the 'fairy tale fantasy'.
Now before I begin, I'm in no way shape or form a 'guru' or some profound scholar with an intimidating academic record, but I am a real woman and a real romantic at heart. Thus, I believe I am qualified to help a brotha out when he needs some advice on what to do to get a woman's attention.
1. WOMEN DON'T WANT A PERFECT MAN, but a genuine man who is the right balance of charming and down-to-earth. No one is perfect and no one can live up to anybody's standards, but if you are sincere, transparent, and real then that's a start. If you're entering into a relationship with a special woman then I challenge you to share with her your weaknesses and your dreams; enabling the two of you to grow closer together. Heart-to-heart intimacy is everything. If this isn't established early on, it will wreak havoc on your relationship in the long run.
2. SEX ISN'T EVERYTHING and I should reiterate that I hold a Christian-perspective when I address things, but even if you're not a 'believer' I still "believe" that you can benefit from what I have to share. Upon marriage sex is an important apart of your relationship and it tends to be everybody's favorite part, but if you are pursuing a particular woman because you want to have sexual relations with her then you are setting yourself up for failure. Women are designed for relationship and ultimately to be wives(as old school as it sounds). Upon engaging in sexually activity (and you may even know from experience) women come off as 'clingy', but we desire comfort and getting physical only causes that desire to grow; thus the old notion that 'friends with benefits' doesn't work whatsoever! If you're really intentional about pursuing or keeping this special someone then pursue them for who they are and get to know them/continue to. One day I will Post an "Epic Rant" about my horror stories of 'dating on the rebound' through 'OkCupid!' But in short, there was a guy who only talked about what he would do to me sexually and it got SO ANNOYING that I had to block him!
So like I said, there's nothing more enticing than a man wanting to know who you are; you're likes and dislikes. Cue "I Wanna Know" by Joe!
3. ROMANCE IS EVERYTHING! Seriously! Make dinner at your place, buy candles from Dollar Tree(to set the mood for dinner at your place), surprise her with tickets to a show, bring her flowers while she's at work, tag her in your Post on your social media and rant to the world about how awesome she is! Buy her that item she's been pinching pennies to save up for and if you can afford to take her away somewhere go for it, but ultimately just get creative! Men aren't the only visual creatures in the world. It's not enough to just give her lip service and swag, you need some action to back it up with! A lack of romance comes off as a lack of interest and if you slack on the job you're bound to get fired if you catch my drift.
4. LISTEN. When she's had a hard day and needs to get some stress off her chest she doesn't need you to jump in and give twenty reasons on how you understand what she feels by going into drawn-out details about your experiences. Women like it when their man is available to listen and be biased(yeah, I said it)! Take her side and comfort her in her time of need. And don't just merely listen, but also pay attention to what she is saying and how she is saying it. This may seem like tedious information, but it pays off in the long run and women really appreciate it. It's been clearly established that men and women communicate differently, but taking the time to be there for her let's her know that you're the real deal and you care about what bothers her. You don't need to be a super hero and try to fix every little thing that comes her way, but knowing that you'll be available every time is a great place to start.
If you keep these tips in mind then I think you will be a shoe in in pursuing the woman that has captured your attention/keeping the lovely lady that you are already with.
And if this Post has inspired/encouraged you then I hope you will subscribe, like, share to stay up-to-date on all things "aesthetic"!
Until next Monday-my man,