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Work Therapy

Writer's picture: Mariah FranklinMariah Franklin

Everyone has their own unique #aesthetic/or way of doing things. People think and process information differently. Yet, this doesn’t excuse anyone’s actions or behavior that’s contrary to having a productive work environment. Where there is a place that has more than one person, there will be “conflict” and “confrontation”. These two terms get a bad wrap, but they don’t have to always mean a negative situation. I’m using it in the sense of people not always being on the same page or united; especially in the workplace where they are assembled there as a team (to work together). It can be difficult though when you strive to do your job, but someone that you work with may not go about things the same way that you do. I believe it’s humbling for all because you have to be patient with them while they at the same time need to step up their game.

I want to share with you 3 easy ways to go about dealing with difficult co-workers and how you can handle the situation in a positive way; without creating awkward tension.


Stay focused on your work load and what the day demands of you first and foremost. I understand that it can be difficult to be patient with others; especially when you notice that a fellow co-worker’s work is not complete and/or sloppy. But you can’t let this inconvenience deter you. Continue to work hard and stay on top of your tasks first. Once you’ve completed what you were assigned to do then you could offer to help your co-worker with their assignments.

And don‘t get discouraged if people think you‘re A ”perfectionist” or trying to be the boss’ “pet”. Haters gon hate! You do you and stay true to your diligent work ethic. This is what draws the line and reveals the leaders from the followers.


When things progress and continue to persist with your difficult co-worker; try speaking to them with patience and love. Say your concern in a sweet yet brief way that is straight to the point while remaining considerate. It’s not necessary to list off every little thing that he or she has done wrong. This simple suggestion may be the only thing that’s necessary in unearthing why your co-worker behaves the way that they do. I truly believe that a person’s psyche filters through their work ethic; affecting how they go about things. If you’re driven and motivated then that will show in your #aesthetic, but if you’re severely depressed then you will lack the drive to go about your tasks! Your co-worker may just need someone to lend an ear and hear them out. Knowing that they have support at work could turn things around; enabling them to pick up the slack. It’s great to know that you can share with each other what’s going on to bring comfort to one another; enabling your team to be more transparent and unified.


But...if your co-worker isn’t having that and they are more difficult (and rougher around the edges); the best and last thing you should do is to inform your boss/supervisor/manager of the situation. One person has the power to either make things better or worse! A team NEEDS to be unified for the overall productivity of the company. If no one is on the same page then that will cause division which leads to dismantling. Take your concerns to whoever is in charge at your place of work and let them know what is going on.

They have the overall authority to address the issue of your difficult co-worker. Don’t vent to them but go to them professionally; sharing how your co-worker isn’t stepping up and getting things done. Chances are, your boss/supervisor/manager is already aware of the situation. After you discuss everything, let it go, and continue to focus on your workload. Trust that everything will work out and don’t let your co-worker get the best of you. If a person chooses to not do what’s required of them then their only hurting themself. That person usually has something going on in their personal life. When they see you shine, it threatens them and thus they become #difficult to work with. But that’s their problem, not yours!

I hope that these tips will help you to continue to #hustlehard; elevating your #aesthetic!



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