Words are powerful. They can uplift your soul or bruise your heart. Sometimes, in the heat of the moment, we say words that we don’t mean. It seems easier and safer to lie than to admit the truth; for fear of the outcome. No one likes rejection and it can be hard to step up to the plate; being brave nonetheless. If they be spoken or written; the right words must be considered with the utmost care and attention. Everyone knows the old cliché: “think before you speak”, but how many of us are actually applying this to our daily lives and interactions within our relationships?
There’s so much tension in our culture today. It seems as if people are either politically correct or blatantly saying ignorant comments to get a rise out of people. It seems like it’s as if the problems of society have come to a head. Every other day there’s a new story about someone losing their job because of a racist comment. The rise of #socialmedia has connected the world in such a remarkable way that we are exposed to more information than ever before. We don’t have to wait for someone to write a book about a topic. We can watch them on their YouTube channel discussing the subject matter instead!

We have to remain agile and mindful of the words we use; being aware of the person or people we are talking to. I always try to consider my words when asked hard questions or in the thick of a heavy confrontation. Emotions can get in the way in the heat of the moment. Sometimes, (depending upon the situation) you can be in such shock that words just pour out of your mouth.
I’ve had times where I look back at a conversation and wish that I didn’t say some of the things that I said. It wasn’t because it hurt the person I was talking to, but rather I down played myself. I knew I was right, but I acted like I was wrong (going along with the other person’s charade). I should’ve held my ground and spoke the truth of the matter. Sometimes we can say the wrong things that hurt someone and then there are times where we say the wrong things that hurt ourselves.

The morale of this post is that we stay on guard. Not putting pressure on ourselves to be eloquent speakers; but rather thinking things through and taking our time to speak. I also find that being honest is the best solution when having a discussion. If you don’t know what to say or have an answer; just say you don’t know what to say or you don’t know the answer. You won’t look stupid but you will come off as genuine and sincere! I’d rather a person admit the truth than to cover themselves; making up lies under pressure. Those decisions will only be regretted later on. That’s another thing; having to live with those lies and negative words.
Sometimes, when I’m out and about, I’ll say something nice to a stranger; complimenting their outfit or their smile. The thought may seem intimidating, but you have no idea how you’re simple gesture can make a person’s day. There have been days where I didn’t feel as attractive, but then a stranger approaches me and gives me a compliment. They didn’t know how I was feeling, but their kind words and sincerity helped to uplift my spirit!

So whether it be a conversation with your parent(s), friends, siblings, or spouse (boyfriend/girlfriend); your words matter and have the ability to light up someone’s heart or break it. You can defend yourself and be confident without saying something rude and disrespectful. You can also speak your mind as an adult; taking your time to find the right words that convey your thoughts. This all seems basic yet sometimes I think we could use a helpful reminder. We all know someone that just says whatever pops into their head. Hopefully that isn’t you, lol! But if it is then take this as your lesson learned; putting these suggestions into action.
Your #aesthetic is more than just your fashion or beauty routine. Your #aesthetic goes beyond your hustle and your technique. #Aesthetic can also be applied to your #relationships and how you interact with others. #Aesthetic is a #lifestyle!
