I’m sharing a few modeling tips for those looking to get their toes wet in the business! These tips will make you look like a pro whenever you’re on set; elevating your #aesthetic!

I highly recommend embracing your #natural beauty! When working on a photo shoot or even doing runway work; it can make you feel vulnerable. Stylists and their assistants may be plucking and prodding at your hair, doing your makeup, and adjusting your wardrobe. As a #model, you’re always underneath the microscope! I did a photo shoot once where I was wearing a wig and trust me, as I speak from experience, it was awkward and uncomfortable. I was praying that the stylist wouldn’t touch “my hair”, lol! Every project is different and you can never anticipate what will go down. That is why you should start now, if you aren’t doing so already, in being your natural self! You will feel more comfortable and confident without the stress of trying to maintain your fake hair, fake nails, and makeup.
Some projects will be supplying these items for your shoot anyways. So, it may be a little awkward if you already have a weave or wig and acrylic/press on nails when they want to add those things to your look for the project.
Work on clearing up your skin so you don’t feel the need to wear makeup as cover up all of the time. Usually you will be informed if you have to show up makeup-free or if you have to do your makeup yourself. Either way, this is all about feeling comfortable in your skin which will make you feel more confident about your appearance; allowing your light to truly shine forth!
Check out this post on simple and organic ways that you can embrace your #naturalbeauty!


If you want to look like you’ve been modeling for a minute, then putting together a “model bag” is the ultimate way to go! Here is a brief list of the basics that you can start supplying your bag with. Take this with you on “go-sees” (modeling auditions) and when you land a gig; working on set.
Sometimes, stylists will utilize the items that you have to incorporate it into the shoot/look; making you look like a model-hero!
-makeup remover wipes
-shine control powder or wipes (men included)
-black and nude underwear (preferably thongs) and bras (boxers not briefs for men)
-black/white spaghetti strapped tanks (wife-beaters for men)
-makeup (products that blend well with your skin tone and make you feel/look your best: KNOW how to do your own makeup and what looks best on film/camera)
-measuring tape
-hair ties/hair accessories
-spray deodorant/clear deodorant
-traveling sewing kit
-mini scissors
-black/white ankle socks and/or long socks (2 pairs of each if you have a big enough bag)
-a few pieces of minimalist jewelry (stud earrings, necklace, dainty bracelet, a simple ring)
Sometimes, you may be asked to wear certain looks that you’d never wear in a million years, but then again you’re getting paid to be a model! The project isn’t about you and what you like. You’re hired to be a living mannequin for the brand; showcasing what they’re style is all about. This doesn’t mean that you should take negative comments or any type of abuse. But no one has time to hear you complain about the tailoring, or the style of the clothing, or the choice of makeup that the team has decided to use on you to model in. You’re the model and the client is the client (i.e. designer, photographer, brand, etc.); stay in your lane!

Working on a set or backstage for a fashion show is nonstop activity; buzzing with energy. That means that everyone has to keep the pace and stay on top of what they have to do. When a stylist gives you an outfit change then you can’t spend more than 5 minutes (barely 2 minutes, lol) in the dressing room (if there is one). The stylist(s) will straighten your clothing out if it’s rumpled or you have a tag sticking out from the back of your collar. Be mindful though of your belongings; making sure that your items don’t get mixed up with the items that belong to the stylist(s) or client when there’s that momentum of rushed activity.
It may seem like a lot of tips to keep in mind, but if you’re passionate about doing this then you’ll manage to stay on top of everything. And you can always refer back to this nifty post just in case!

But above all else; have fun! Own the moment and show everyone the real reason why you‘re the right #model for the job. There’s no one else around who can do what you do and how you do it. That is the meaning of #aesthetic! Be yourself, relax, and enjoy every moment. Modeling can open doors and introduce you to people that you may never meet anywhere else. It’s a great opportunity to make connections, network, and to earn easy money that you can save towards school, vacationing, or that side hustle that you want to make a full-time endeavor. Or maybe you’re interested in modeling for the long haul! Either way, these tips will help you feel like a natural; elevating your #aesthetic.
Selfies are a great way to practice poses for an upcoming shoot as well as trying out poses in the mirror.
Check out this AESTHETIC Throwback on the art of taking the perfect #selfie!
