Sometimes, we need to take a break from the world so we can focus on our own world. This past week, I sort of fell off the map when it comes to blogging/vlogging. Truth be told, I haven’t posted on #socialmedia since last Monday (#yikes)! It’s been a very crazy month at work and I’ve also been applying for artist grants in Pittsburgh. On top of that, I recently got new glasses after having my old ones for the past 5 years! And I also received my passport earlier than expected. So needless to say, it’s a very exciting time for me right now. My play is being reviewed by a prominent theater in Pittsburgh and I’m also apartment hunting for a place in the Steel City so I can be closer to auditions and rehearsals.

I only share all of this because it obviously proves my point for this blog post, lol! A couple of years ago, I took a little hiatus while performing in a show. It was refreshing and revealing at the same time. I noticed that my #socialmedia engagement dropped slightly, but I myself was refreshed! I truly believe that in the world we live in today; sometimes we need to take a step back from all of the hoopla to focus on things that matter to us (things and people that are right in front of us).
#SocialMedia is a blessing and a curse, but if it’s used wisely and responsibly then it can be beneficial; enabling the user to reach people that they may have never met otherwise. As a #christian, I fast from time to time as a way of spending time with GOD. Some believers (by their #faith) also fast from #socialmedia as a way of removing anything that will distract them from their relationship with GOD. Others fast from #socialmedia as a way of breaking free from toxic talk that plagues their feeds on a daily basis. Below are 3 ways that you can take a “Social Detox” so you can unplug, focus, and refresh.

Map out when you will go on your detox and how long the duration of days will be. Some people only go for a few days while others challenge themselves for a whole week to a whole month! If you utilize #socialmedia for work then I would advise you to only detox when it comes to your personal #socialmedia feeds/profiles. You don’t want to jeopardize your business. As an #influencer and/or #blogger, you’re still a human being and you can afford to take a little #metime to yourself for at least a few days (3-4 tops). Besides, it makes for a great blog and/video post!

A colleague of mine just went on a #socialmedia fast and I was surprised when she told me that she deleted her apps. This prevented her from having the temptation of checking her feeds to see what people were posting. Your data is saved in your cloud so when you’re done with your detox you can restore your apps without losing any information (or having to start from scratch)!


It can feel somewhat liberating to not be inundated with the opinions of others constantly. I’m #inspired by the uniqueness of others, but then there are times where #trends, #fads, #likes, and #comments can become overwhelming. It literally takes me one whole hour to post on all of my #socialmedia platforms whenever I promote a new blog post and/or video for my YouTube channel (Mariah Franklin aka Child). I post 4 days a week so that’s 4 hours of my life that I’m dedicating to #socialmedia. That’s half a work day shift or an hour at 4 different classes. And that doesn’t count the time spent scrolling through my feeds or checking posts! So, I encourage you to #enjoy this time of detoxing where you can catch up with friends face to face or just have some alone time to yourself to think about life. Taking a break from #socialmedia is a healthy habit to practice in our ever evolving world of technological advances. This will help you to stay in-tune with your world (i.e. your life); enabling you to think for yourself and not be immediately persuaded by the opinions of others. Your value and character aren’t dependent upon how many likes or followers you acquire. Your #aesthetic is matchless!

