I go through phases when it comes to my coffee consumption. Sometimes I will take a break; going coffee-free for months. Then I will crave the smooth, rich, creamy delight that gives me that extra boost of energy! Yet, I have a notorious sweet tooth that craves extra cream in my coffee; appeasing my taste buds. Due to my bad habit of pouring too much creamer into my coffee; I’ve realized that I’m over doing it and my body can feel it. My body has been sending me cues here and there; letting me know that I’ve had too much sugar. I can literally feel it metabolizing in my body. At times, a finger, a toe, or the calf of my leg will feel numb. Sounds a little scary, but I’ve also noticed that I don’t have those problems when I drink a cup of soothing Green Tea. I was doing a little digging about a month ago; wondering what the benefits of Green Tea were and how my #aesthetic could benefit from partaking in it. I’m gradually altering my diet to incorporate Green Tea in lieu of coffee and I’m going to share why!
Organic Facts highlights that Green Tea “(...) is known as Camellia sinensis. In fact, it is the same tea but it is processed differently. The normal black tea is obtained by fermenting the tea leaves. This fermentation changes its color and flavor while raising the level of caffeine and tannin in it. On the other hand, in the case of green tea, fresh harvested leaves are quickly steamed to prevent fermentation, resulting in a dry stable product. During that steaming process the color of the leaves are not disturbed allowing the tea to maintain its green color.”
Green Tea is known for containing “catechins” (antioxidants that fight to prevent cell damage). Web MD recommends that you “Don't add green tea to boiling water. It's bad for catechins, those healthy chemicals, in the tea. Better: 160-170 degree water.”

As I continued to read articles online; I’ve found that the common consensus concerning this miracle elixir is that it slows down the effects of aging, lowers your risk of diabetes, assists you in maintaining a healthy weight, boosts your immunity (as well as your endurance), and detoxes your body. That’s just naming a few well-known benefits of what Green Tea has to offer!

This has me considering to test try #matcha (a type of Green Tea). According to Dr. Axe, “Matcha green tea is a high-grade, finely ground, concentrated green tea. It’s been traditionally used in Japanese tea ceremonies for hundreds of years and has recently gained notoriety for its high antioxidant content. When you drink matcha tea, you drink the actual tea leaves, which have been ground up. This allows you to obtain even more nutrients compared to drinking steeped green tea.”
Every day, I strive to be the healthiest that I can be for myself and for those around me. As I mature and reach the end of my twenties; I’m constantly looking for effective yet inexpensive ways to elevate my #aesthetic. Green Tea is touted as thee absolute heaviest drink that anyone could have and is recommended that consumption be on a daily basis. I don’t know about you, but after discovering this much info on the beloved drink; I’m sold! It’s also been given the O.K. by doctors for mothers-to-be to enjoy a cup or two as it contains less caffeine than a cup of coffee and is mostly water.
With all of that being said, if “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”, then “Green Tea everyday sustains the body always!”
